Explaining SNUS

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  • stew.12
    • May 2008
    • 92

    Explaining SNUS

    When I snus around people who have no clue about swedish tobacco, they instantly think it's chewing tobacco. Even after I explain what SNUS is about, they think "any tobacco is bad, not a good alternative to smoking" kind of thing.

    How do yall explain snus to other people?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I don't really explain it. If someone asks, I start off with "it's Swedish tobacco". I then offer more information if they're interested. I don't really offer much, but I'll answer questions as they come up.


    • RobME
      • Jul 2008
      • 387

      Re: Explaining SNUS

      Originally posted by stew.12
      How do yall explain snus to other people?
      This might not be a good answer, but it's the best I can volunteer right now. To some (many?) other people; Why bother? It's like explaining the taste of a great steak (and what it does for you) to a vegetarian, or even worse, a vegan. Whatever you say won't even matter to them. They have their agenda. To those you care about, i.e., those to whom it matters to you, that they understand... Get clear yourself, why you do it, why you like it, how it makes you feel (and of course, its positive health aspects relative to other tobacco products), and once you have that clarity... Just speak from your own heart. How can you fail? And if all else fails, sometimes ya just have to say, "**** it!"
      Good luck, 8)


      • stew.12
        • May 2008
        • 92

        I'd love to introduce SNUS to all my smoker friends, it's helped me so much quitting smokes. They're apprehensive to try it because it's mouth tobacco-bad reputation.

        Some people just don't understand the pleasures of SNUS, mainly because they don't get it.


        • RobME
          • Jul 2008
          • 387

          Sometimes just our actions (of not smoking) are enough to set an example for others. Alternatively; There's an old saying, "When the disciple is ready the guru will come." When your friends are ready... they'll be ready. No matter how well-intentioned, that's what you should get.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            I just tell people that it's Swedish smokeless tobacco, made differently than American smokeless tobacco, with rar lower cancer causing properties than American tobacco, adn you don't spit with it so it's entirely discreet.


            • kidstaxi
              • Jul 2008
              • 91

              I tell them "It's mine and you can't have any. You want some go buy your own." Then I start giving out web addresses.


              • Kindrd
                • Oct 2007
                • 266

                I used to try and explain it to people but that got old fast. Now I just say its tobacco.


                • DraculaViktor
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 66

                  Explaining it to non-tobacco users is worthless. They don't have an addiction to 'Saint Nic', so I don't even bother explaining to them. To smokers, I explain it if asked but even they say "Dude, just light up..that shit is bad for your mouth.' To my friends who chew or dip, they just slide over the Skoal and say 'Have a real chew.' It's pointless to explain unless that person really wants an alternative. Everyone has their vice of choice that makes them happy, and I have no problem with that. But this does show me that there is so much misinformation that many people receive about tobacco that keeps them hooked without knowing a safer alternative.


                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542

                    I've seen someone here say that when someone asks, all they say is "It is a stop-smoking aid" and the questions end there. Brilliant if I might add.


                    • GenuineSpirit
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 225

                      Most people don't even know I have it in. Now those that do or see me insert it ask and I offer a portion but not many seam to want to take me up on it. Now all my coworkers know that it is sweedish snus and has less carcinogens then smoking and chewing tobacco, and that I have quit smoking. When given strange looks I have used the stop smoking aid line and it shuts them right up..... If they are honestly inquiring well you can give them a dozen different websites or just tell them to check it out on the internet.


                      • skruffan
                        New Member
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 13

                        Agreed with most of what's been said. I've learned that it's better to simply say "swedish tobacco" or something of the like and wait for the person to inquire if they're interested.

                        Nonsmokers inevitably smell the can and are instantly turned off. Like a lot of things in life, snus is something I keep mostly personal. I've had bad luck explaining it to smokers, as others have noted.

                        It's one of those things where you'll have to be content with yourself, having done research and knowing all about it. Explaining TSNA levels and so forth with most people is an exercise in futility. But that's why this forum is so great; we get to meet intelligent, like minded people with a common interesting hobby.


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          Tell them you don't know what they are but they sure do taste nice.


                          • cwcov
                            New Member
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 13

                            I just tell them this is the stuff that American tobacco companies have managed to screw up. I offer up a little explanation of the processing of the tobacco and leave it at that. If they say "That's sick", I just reply "Hey, at least is doesn't make me spit", or smoke.

                            I've had a couple of co-workers ask to try a portion. One is no longer works with the same company, and one asks me on regular basis if he can "snus with me". One gentleman I met at the local watering hole actually had some knowledge of snus and really wants to try some. Sense I didn't have any on me at the time (what penance do I have to pay for admitting that), I did give him the buysnus web site.

                            What I'm worried about is the little camera in the break room that catches the image of me delivering another shot of vitamin N with a stainless steel "syringe"


                            • KarlvB
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 681

                              I've only had to explain it a few times and then I usually give a half-arsed answer - unless it is a friend who I am trying to get of cigarettes.

                              Biggest argument I've had was with my sister who is a doctor. To her all tobacco is bad. So I showed her the Lancet article and the NZ study. End of discussion.

                              Most people over here have been in Sweden or know a Swede so they all just go "Is that the funny teabag stuff from Sweden. Whatchamacallit?"


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