So my girlfriend (also Aussie) lived in Sweden for a year and brought back a couple of cans of GR which she gave to me to tide me over between orders. The problem is, this stuff has a best before date of mid 2010 and is so dry I'd be better off sticking it up my nose. Is there any way of rehydrating it? She suggested a small amount of water and vanilla essence. Any suggestions? Cheers
Stale Snus
This is lössnus? I bet that is pretty stale. The nose might be your best bet :^D I'd put some in a different container, and add a little bit of water to bring the moisture up. Keep it in the fridge, and add some water every day until the moisture is correct. If you can't get it right, or the taste is too off, using it nasally really isn't a bad idea. I have snus that goes back to 2007, but I keep it in the freezer. It keeps relatively well there, so I'm not familiar with handling poorly kept snus. I don't know if it ever gets too old to use.
If it were me I'd chuck it in the compost!
I know that TSNAs go up with any microbial activity on the snus - and I have seen snus that has gone mouldy despite the salt and sodium carbonate content.
If it hasn't been in the freezer since 2010 - who knows what could be growing in there?Squeezyjohn
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!