saying that if he was given weeks to live he would go out and buy a pack of cigarettes and start smoking again and he said that he hadn't smoke for five years. Five years. Long time. And he still missed it. Made me thankful for snus really. I can have a fag if i want to. If i can be bothered. Which i can't.
Heard ex-smoker on the radio today
Originally posted by Anselsaying that if he was given weeks to live he would go out and buy a pack of cigarettes and start smoking again and he said that he hadn't smoke for five years. Five years. Long time. And he still missed it. Made me thankful for snus really. I can have a fag if i want to. If i can be bothered. Which i can't.
It used to be that way with me and cigarettes. I was actually 5 years quit, and still had the desire to smoke on a regular basis, when I had a stressful travel/airport experience and bought some cigarettes. It was this cigarette relapse that eventually brought me to snus. Its funny, someone on this forum told me that if I wanted a cigarette, to just have one. So every now and again since I've been snusing I'd bum a smoke, but every time its so unsatisfying, its just a quick blast that leaves me nervous and with a headache.
As a result, I haven't even had a desire to smoke for a few months now. Pretty awesome. I strongly prefer the long, clean delivery of nicotine and flavor that snus provides. Why opt for 5 minutes of "pleasure" and "flavor" when you can have an hour of pleasure and flavor? Its simple really.
I've always liked smokeless tobacco to smoking. I really do like smoking my only drawback to it is i'll never enjoy the 2 hour later/1 day later/2 day later breath and mouth feeling that comes with even smoking one. You can brush your teeth mouthwash and gargle bleach right after smoking but your breath will still smell like smoke for awhile.
Every time i smoke is because someone offers me one and on occasion i will take it but i always regret it the next mornign when i wake up with that hot breath mouth feeling.
I have dreams about cigs almost every time I drink...which is like every night! But I'm going on 8 months, no smoking since my newborn sons been home thanks to snus! Especially Oden's Exteme, fights off the cig craving during drinking sessions. I'm sure I'll dream of Marlboro Menthol tonight..
I smoke what I want, when I want...with no remorse, because I know that I get all my nicotine from snus. Also, because I know I won't become addicted to smoking again. Needless to say, I don't enjoy a cigarette like I used to, but I do however love smoking my pipe. Pipe smoking is a process that allows me to slooooow down and relax. If you're using snus regularly and want to it, because if you don't, it just makes it worse...almost as if you're "missing" something. More times than not, once you get a few drags into the smoke, you remember what you hated about them ;-)
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