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  • dman21
    • Jul 2012
    • 1141


    So I was just minding my own business, doing my job at work, when my dad paid me a visit. As has been usual for over a year now, I work with a snus in. My dad came up to me and is like, "Are you chewing tobacco!?" To that I say nope. He then asks,"what's in your lip then?" I'm like, "It's snus, you want one?" He then replies, "I would never touch that shit." and that it's worse than smoking. I told my dad that snus is not the same thing, which got nowhere. My point to this is...how dumb and misinformed to people have to be these days? I don't know about you guys, but this leaves me absolutely frustrated.
  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by dman21
    So I was just minding my own business, doing my job at work, when my dad paid me a visit. As has been usual for over a year now, I work with a snus in. My dad came up to me and is like, "Are you chewing tobacco!?" To that I say nope. He then asks,"what's in your lip then?" I'm like, "It's snus, you want one?" He then replies, "I would never touch that shit." and that it's worse than smoking. I told my dad that snus is not the same thing, which got nowhere. My point to this is...how dumb and misinformed to people have to be these days? I don't know about you guys, but this leaves me absolutely frustrated.
    Don't be it's your dad what ever he says its ok - for you , but I would sit and explain my father everything what has with double standards and lies to do when it comes to informing people by government , I know I couldn't express my self as I wished to , but i hope you got my point


    • LordJ
      • Jul 2009
      • 190

      He's your dad, he's just trying to look out for you. He may be misinformed, but unlike the government, I'm sure his intentions are sincere. Although some on this forums would have you believe snus is as safe as chewing gum, there is a health risk involved, however small it may be. I say give your dad a break, let him believe what he wants.

      Source: I have two boys and wouldn't want either of them smoking or using snus.


      • elijames21
        • Feb 2012
        • 49

        Just disregard it. It's not a big deal, parents are parents. They're annoying as hell but damn just gotta brush it off.


        • dman21
          • Jul 2012
          • 1141

          Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
          Don't be it's your dad what ever he says its ok - for you , but I would sit and explain my father everything what has with double standards and lies to do when it comes to informing people by government , I know I couldn't express my self as I wished to , but i hope you got my point
          He got me again LOL. Gotta love being home for the weekend, jeez. But he's like you do this shit in the morning too? I'm like "Dad, this stuff is regulated to hell by the Swedish government and they can't put anything in this stuff that's not in food." To that he's like okay, whatever.


          • elijames21
            • Feb 2012
            • 49

            I just noticed, you're wisconsin? Where do you get your snus?


            • tattooer601
              • Jun 2010
              • 942

              Possibly your father was having a bad day,got aggravated simple took it out on something that bothered him that he hadnt mentioned before...
              Anyhow, hes you Father wants the best for ya.
              Where i stand and always HAD, i never tried to teach or,educate my Father on anything unless He Asked
              Or a health tip...etc
              He taught me to respect him......
              I did.


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                Originally posted by dman21
                He got me again LOL. Gotta love being home for the weekend, jeez. But he's like you do this shit in the morning too? I'm like "Dad, this stuff is regulated to hell by the Swedish government and they can't put anything in this stuff that's not in food." To that he's like okay, whatever.
                When you eat sausage do you see any warning label on it ? No .
                Now do you know what that sausage has in it ? No.
                Is it dangerous to your health ? Yes .
                Ask your why on sausage you see label " 80 % meet" have you asked your self what's other 20 contejns ?
                I'll tell you - part of it "E" -s you know what is that ? It's preservative - do you know where else it's used ? In morge ;(
                Now about USA - Swedish snus contains at list ours following things:
                Water - no khlorin in it ( we do not have you know in Northern Sweden kalorin in water).
                Salt the same salt you use to salt your stake .
                Oils - lets say Liam oil , rose oil ( by the way do you know what is the prise of one kg of rosé oil ? 6000 EUR) are you am messed ? Yes.
                Now Tobacco contains TSNA - that contains Coffe as well , why we do not have warning labels on Coffe ?
                The only warning you should have on snus is " this product addictive" " and underage sale or use prohibited" as we have in Sweden .
                Now to FDA- we have same warning as deep - now what that does contain ? Lets talk about only one thing sugar .... Is it enough?
                If you explain this to your dad he will change his opinion .... I believe ,


                • dman21
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 1141

                  I agree wholeheartedly, GN. Could not have said it better myself. Honestly though, this is a case of pure stubbornness. I'm nearly done with a 6 year smoking habit because of snus, and my dad is a smoker as well.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Would any of us be thrilled to fond our kids using any kind of tobacco?


                    • dman21
                      • Jul 2012
                      • 1141

                      Good point, Vegan. But I would think he should consider it a good thing that I'm quitting smoking and doing something far less harmful.


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Originally posted by dman21
                        Good point, Vegan. But I would think he should consider it a good thing that I'm quitting smoking and doing something far less harmful.
                        Logically your right but imagine finding your teenage kid screwing while using a condom. You should be happy the kid was using a condom but they are still screwing.


                        • elijames21
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 49

                          Originally posted by GoVegan
                          Would any of us be thrilled to fond our kids using any kind of tobacco?
                          Years away from having a kid but i'd be happy he was using swedish snus.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Originally posted by elijames21
                            Years away from having a kid but i'd be happy he was using swedish snus.
                            Let me ask you that question after you have a kid.


                            • dman21
                              • Jul 2012
                              • 1141

                              To answer your question elijames, I get my snus from PP, as well as a couple other good samaritans on this forum. It beats snuscentral's exorbant shipping prices, but with northerner on the fritz, and now that I know what I like snus wise, I may eventually cave in and give snuscentral a whirl.


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