High nicotine snus. Is it higher in WTAs too?

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  • Faylool
    • Dec 2012
    • 496

    High nicotine snus. Is it higher in WTAs too?

    I'm thinking yes. But how can a person know for sure? It's all about the tobacco leaves used so....are there brands of great tasting tobacco leaves organic and air dried like that are higher in WTAs than others? Will they also end up being higher in nicotine too? Of course flavor is so important. I wouldn't want some stale rancid trashy bitter taste in my mouth Hal the day trying to keep mellow on the good things in tobacco that help me and my nervous energy. Im not expecting scientific proof. Just an educated estimation or idea about it. WTAs are the only reason I snus and snuff. I am open to any and all ideas about getting the biggest bang for my buck and lots of WTAs. Air dried pipe tobacco is my list of things to try. I will puff only. Is snus already reputed to be higher in WTAs than any of the pipe tobaccos? If so I can save my mouth from the nasty smoke taste in my mouth.

  • Snotgifff
    • Sep 2012
    • 517

    WTF are WTAs?


    • Faylool
      • Dec 2012
      • 496

      Oh hi! Thank you for visiting my thread! Lovely. The google on line search result will explain that better than I. Or ECF has a thead that does an excellent job of talking all about it. The google search sometimes results in some inaccurate weird misleading data. It's very critical to the enjoyment of tobacco for some people.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Originally posted by Snotgifff
        WTF are WTAs?
        Lmfao...glad you said it first.


        • Faylool
          • Dec 2012
          • 496

          I'm not trying to be funny so be nice or go away. I want to to know more. high nic = high WTA? Good god what time is it there that this so funny?


          • jagmanss
            • Jul 2010
            • 12213

            Originally posted by Faylool
            I'm not trying to be funny so be nice or go away. I want to to know more. high nic = high WTA? Good god what time is it there that this so funny?
            Good God Fool! What time is it there to be an ass... How about you being nice? or go away.. WTF


            • Faylool
              • Dec 2012
              • 496

              Ok. Bye bye


              • Burnsey
                • Jan 2013
                • 2572

                Whole tobacco alkaloid http://vapelicious.com/wta-faq/


                • Faylool
                  • Dec 2012
                  • 496

                  How can this attempt to get information about something important to the whole snus experience be improved upon. You can sure dish out the joking but I want this to be a serious thread. Not all forum threads are there just to joke around. If I'm not in a serious mood I go to nonsense threads. Obviously if someone isn't aware of or interested in WTAs aspect of snus then that will become clear and I go somewhere else for a serious look at it. I've been helping a person whose emails were nearly incomprehensible while quitting smoking. Agitated stuff. I sent him snus and we had to email a lot. About wwore me out. The end result is he started smoking again. At least it was high quality organic roll your own. His emails really changed their tone and became comprehensible again. It's an important contribution to the tobacco. Nicotine alone is not all of it. So why do you want be so hard ass? You don't want serious people on your forum? What ever. You mistake my assertiveness as being a fool? Kinda strong IMO. But I am sorry I didn't join in on the fun. I just wanted to get to the point. my point. There is plenty of threads with people having just a fun simple time. This thread wasn't meant for more of that. Do you or do you not have room for a serious thread? I think I already know the answer. I also don't think there are enough participants on this forum to be able to garner a whole lot of good info on what I am interested in so...no problem I google the Internet all the time. I'm a very curious person.


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    I googled WTA and all I got was Womens Tennis Association, Washington Trails Association, Whatcom Transportation Company and things like that. I saw no mention of WTA in tobacco or anything even remotely close to that. Snus people know about TSNA because that is our main concern with useing snus or other tobacco products.

                    I never heard of WTA in tobacco, sorry dear
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • jagmanss
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 12213

                      Must be an E-cig thang! Or Sweating Women playing Tennis and you getting their juice... IDK... This is not a joke I'm not trying to be funny just sayin'...


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        The reason no one knows about this on the Snus forum is because it is particular to the e-cig extraction process. In making the liquid for e-cigs they are trying to add back into the product certain alkaloids found in tobacco to enhance the flavor

                        Since snus is tobacco, there is no extraction--reintroduction of alkaloids.

                        The question is not relevant with snus

                        Faylool, I don't think people were being an ass to you...........they did not know what you were asking...........and when they asked for clarification you gave them all homework instead of just answering the question............and in the end.............the question turned out to be irrelevant (which you should have known before you posed it….had you done the homework yourself first).

                        We try to be a very helpful group (silly at times yes....but you will have our best shot at the answer by the time it is all said and done) But merely dropping acronyms and then calling everyone dumb ass because we don't know the jargon that is unique to another product......is not the best bate to use if you want fish for dinner.

                        No harm....it’s all good......I hope this helps
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • Faylool
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 496

                          My question wasn't irrelevant in any way. It's very relevant. And when someone starts asking me a question with WTF I instantly see he's not being serious so why would I waste my time. Just re read the post. Snus has the whole tobacco alkaloids because it is tobacco...not just nic. A person wanting to quit smoking who is having all kinds of problems doing so by substituting his cigarette habit with nicotine only can get relief from snus. The relationship I'm interested in learning about is that of nicotine and whole tobacco alkaloids in a tobacco and the strength indicated. If it is high nicotine does it Necessarily mean it will be high WTA? I'm sure I can get my answer. I'm not sure I can get it here. I thought I would try. I am in no way so socially adept savvy something so if I offended somebody, sorry. I tend to be blunt, especially with blunt people. Whatever. If the thread dies then it dies and I tried and I failed but at least give it chance. I vape, I snus and I snuff. I wanted to help a guy and I didn't feel I had enough info. It was like a million questions and I know there are answers to some of them. That's it that's all. I'm now accountable for having failed to define the acronym to a person who says WTF. And snus dog thank you for contributing some relevant data but you still didn't get my post question and i never called anyone a dumbass. I hate acronyms too. I wasn't trying to be clever. It's just a habit. Been emailing about the whole thing all friggen week. At least now that that guy has some ( WTAs) in is system again he is comprehensible and not a pain in the ass agitated upset human being. I want to know more about them. WTAs Whole Tobacco Alkaloids. Or put this way. The other good stuff to be had in tobacco. And I've done a lot of homework and there is always more to learn. Like minds putting heads together and finding things out.


                          • Snotgifff
                            • Sep 2012
                            • 517

                            I wasn't trying to be an ass...I really was just wanting to know what WTAs were and it seemed appropriate to ask with a WTF (as a joke)...lighten up. Geez. And my Google search came up with nothing about tobacco. I'll try to remember not to respond to your posts anymore cranky pants...Seems you need some really high WTAs from your long winded posts... good luck with that.


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              you might want to try using the search button at the upper right side of the page. That would bring up everything that was ever posted here about WTA.

                              That would have been my first move when joining the site.

                              Oh wait.....you don't have to join to use the search button.


                              carry on
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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