Ok Lime soon. I'm a sister Papen'ka
Odens 69 white original....Ive just eaten out a supermodel
I like your Lakrits Original I traded loose snus for. I'm looking forward to the lime. I have to wait a lot of months to order big and save on shipping. I'm sure the Lime will be available by then. I'm doing fine. Lots of loose snus here but Thank you. Your posts are fun
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABAre you ???? Sorry sisterI call you brother
I have a lady's cut snus for you .... Ask me which type...
Originally posted by CzechCzarOne of my best friends in college absolutely hated the vag... he was not at all gay, but he would not go down on a woman because nine times out of ten it was "disgusting"
On an ironic note, I'll have to try a can of 69 in my next order!