Self debate... Keep snusing or not... help me out

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  • Lucky

    Self debate... Keep snusing or not... help me out

    Here's my main dilema, I love literally everything about snus. However, I don't want the "pocket" in gums, teeth stain, etc. I have a few cans of general and feel like tomorrow since I am starting a slightly different diet, it would be a good time to start. I even lowered my coffe from daily to a couple times a week (caffeine pills ftw.) Does anyone have a perfect set of grills and gums with no staining or pockets or anything? I am religious about oral hygene anyway. Kinda pointless thread, but can you guys just give me your opinions in general? Thanks.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Only you can answer for you. I would suggest quitting before you run out though. That way you'll have a backup in case quitting is harder than you thought.


    • Lucky

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Only you can answer for you. I would suggest quitting before you run out though. That way you'll have a backup in case quitting is harder than you thought.
      Not to sound insulting, but in my opinion that is a terrible idea. I have quit cigs for weeks at a time because I had a "stash" and the overwhelming desire and ease to start up again. So I will probably toss my last two cans. I was also debating on an e cig but I think that defeats the whole purpose of a quit.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by Lucky
        Not to sound insulting, but in my opinion that is a terrible idea. I have quit cigs for weeks at a time because I had a "stash" and the overwhelming desire and ease to start up again. So I will probably toss my last two cans. I was also debating on an e cig but I think that defeats the whole purpose of a quit.
        It's not like tobacco's hard to come by. You'll either get snus from the back of your freezer, or cigs from the gas station. Which would you rather get?


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          are you otherwise a smoker? as gums are easier to repair than lungs.


          • wa3zrm
            • May 2009
            • 4436

            If snus keeps you off the cigs... stick with it. If you want to get off snus, do it gradually... I recommend introducing a herbal snus into your rotation to make the nic withdrawal easier. In either case, good luck.
            If you have any problems with my posts or signature


            • squeezyjohn
              • Jan 2008
              • 2497

              Lucky - I have been snusing what I can only assume is over the average amount (mainly strong snus) for the past 5 years. A recent visit to my dentist gave me the feedback that I had less gum recession than I used to have with smoking and it has been steadily getting better ever since I stopped despite the snus.

              I've never suffered from stained teeth the way I did when I smoked - but I have continued to use a smoker's toothpaste (Clinomyn probably a UK brand) ever since.

              As for snus pockets - they are a reality. But I would attribute them to stretching of the area you use snus in rather than erosion of the gum surface. Don't take my word for it - do as much research as you can - but I haven't seen an increase in my "pocket" since it got to the size of a standard portion of snus. It doesn't give me any ill effects - and it is not noticable to anyone at all.



              Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


              • crullers
                • Oct 2011
                • 663

                Try snuff. Although if you're concerned about perfect teeth I imagine brown snot might gross you out.


                • Skell18
                  • May 2012
                  • 7067

                  Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                  Lucky - I have been snusing what I can only assume is over the average amount (mainly strong snus) for the past 5 years. A recent visit to my dentist gave me the feedback that I had less gum recession than I used to have with smoking and it has been steadily getting better ever since I stopped despite the snus.

                  I've never suffered from stained teeth the way I did when I smoked - but I have continued to use a smoker's toothpaste (Clinomyn probably a UK brand) ever since.

                  As for snus pockets - they are a reality. But I would attribute them to stretching of the area you use snus in rather than erosion of the gum surface. Don't take my word for it - do as much research as you can - but I haven't seen an increase in my "pocket" since it got to the size of a standard portion of snus. It doesn't give me any ill effects - and it is not noticable to anyone at all.


                  This! The pocket is just your mouth stretching to accommodate the portion or prilla, its not gum recession from what my dentist told me. Like squeezy, my teeth are not stained, they are whiter now, my gums are fine, the recession has stopped since I switched to snus, smoking was worse on my gums than snus has been. Other option, like crullers said is to take snuff, a fine way to enjoy tobacco if I must say.


                  • Reynard
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 804

                    Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                    I have continued to use a smoker's toothpaste (Clinomyn probably a UK brand) ever since.
                    I used to use that brand, but have now found something I love - Euthymol. You heard of it squeezy? Honestly, it's wonderful stuff. Very strong, I think that's the 'thymol', contains anticeptic. Like germolene for your teeth, but in a good way.

                    I'm a sucker for old fashioned toiletries :-)


                    • Lucky

                      Especially with the 99 cent general sale, relapse wont be too hard. It's mainly the nicotine, but its way easier to quit cigs since they taste sooooo gross and stuff that it deters you. Snus is hard to come up with a short term deterrent. I've tried snus but again it is weird in the snot lol and just feels unnatural. I feel cold turkey is the way to go and theres never a better time to quit than the present. Luckily for me all I have mainly tried is the general variety so I wont be feeling too left out. I am not saying it is forsure that im quitting, but I'm bringing my self-debate to the table with the rest of the forum.


                      • Lucky

                        Originally posted by Vulpes
                        I used to use that brand, but have now found something I love - Euthymol. You heard of it squeezy? Honestly, it's wonderful stuff. Very strong, I think that's the 'thymol', contains anticeptic. Like germolene for your teeth, but in a good way.

                        I'm a sucker for old fashioned toiletries :-)
                        So am I! I use Brylcreem in my hair everyday and a 58 Gillette double edge razor haha.


                        • CCC
                          • Mar 2013
                          • 41

                          Well the good thing about e-cigs is that you can gradually lower the nic until you reach 0. I haven't been able to do it but i have seen others be successful. No gum issues with e-cigs.


                          • squeezyjohn
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2497

                            Vulpes - you will never know the length to which I covet old-fashioned toiletries!

                            I spend almost as much time as I do on SnusOn on a forum dedicated to learning how to sharpen a cut-throat razor on a naturally occurring stone which is only to be found in one corner of Belgium - and also on which lanolin based shaving soap to use so you can get the proper moisture levels in your skin after shaving.

                            I love doing things properly!

                            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                            • Lucky

                              Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                              Vulpes - you will never know the length to which I covet old-fashioned toiletries!

                              I spend almost as much time as I do on SnusOn on a forum dedicated to learning how to sharpen a cut-throat razor on a naturally occurring stone which is only to be found in one corner of Belgium - and also on which lanolin based shaving soap to use so you can get the proper moisture levels in your skin after shaving.

                              I love doing things properly!
                              Badger and Blade brother? I was such a lurker there I just made an account though haha.


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