Self debate... Keep snusing or not... help me out

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    It wasn't that one Lucky - but I also lurked there and got some good advice through doing so!

    Mine was which is now defunct unfortunately - but it's successor is called and I promise that is the best shaving and straight razor sharpening site bar none. Some amazing guys on there who really know their stuff and not too many egos ... lol!



    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • charmando
      • Oct 2010
      • 151

      I find that the snus pocket is a good thing for my gums as the portions no longer rub up against them and cause irritation. If youre worried about gum recession and want to continue snusing; don't use sweetened portions such as general mint. Northerner purified snus is your best alternative because they are so small, won't rub against gums and the drip is basically colorless and you'll still get a nice nic hit. If you're trying to do away with nicotine completely I would taper off and try the herbal stuff as oral fixation is going to be an issue. My friend had some Japanese toothpicks which did wonders for me when my stash ran out. He said there was a store entirely devoted to toothpicks made from various trees.


      • Lucky

        I'll have to check that site out, although I don't have a straight razor. I want to buy one soon though, I know the ins and outs of DE shaving so have no purpose really on either forum lol.

        Tapering off of snus kinda bites you in the ass because say you only snus once a day, that one time will feel like heaven and make you refrain from quitting. Tapering with e cigs is easier since you can use a low mg nic juice and approximate the puffs you take.


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Have you thought about using Northerner Purified Snus? The claim is that it whitens your teeth but I thik that might be a stretch. Anyway, I doubt that using that stuff would stain your teeth at all.


          • Faylool
            • Dec 2012
            • 496

            Some things, like alcohol, are better quit cold turkey. Nicotine is a easier to eliminate in gradual but steady reduced dosages over say a 10 day to 2 week time. If you have portions just count hem out and spread them out. Be prepared to cut some in half and transfer to tea bag for smaller portions. Leave them in 20 minutes no more. Use less today than you did the day before until it's poof! Gone. It's painless compared to cold turkey. Nicotine is pretty hard to quit because the dangers are fewer than say alcohol when it has started to cause you problems. Too easy to just return to. That's my 2 cents


            • Reynard
              • Feb 2009
              • 804

              Originally posted by squeezyjohn
              Vulpes - you will never know the length to which I covet old-fashioned toiletries!
              What hair products do you use? I love Pashana bay rum, and occasionally Original brylcreem, styled with a Kent comb :-)


              • rickcharles606
                • Mar 2009
                • 2307

                Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                Vulpes - you will never know the length to which I covet old-fashioned toiletries!

                I spend almost as much time as I do on SnusOn on a forum dedicated to learning how to sharpen a cut-throat razor on a naturally occurring stone which is only to be found in one corner of Belgium - and also on which lanolin based shaving soap to use so you can get the proper moisture levels in your skin after shaving.

                I love doing things properly!
                same here brother, I shave with a double edge razor most days, but on the weekends when I have more time...I use a straight ;-) You should check out that's where i satisfy most of my covetous thoughts/needs for old fashioned toiletries, fragrances, shaving soaps/creams, aftershaves oh and fountain pens. It's a rabbit careful ;-)

                Oh, and Lucky...don't quit kids need to go to college, lol


                • Lucky

                  Faylool: yea that's true about the alcohol causing more problems and stuff. No harm in trying reduction. I'm getting an e cig (joey tech ego-c) and will probably use that and snus a few times daily and then when I ultimately do quit ill do a reduction just on the e cig, cuz one or 2 snus everyday can't be too bad. As long as I get the nicotine is the big thing for me.

                  vulpes, Rick: I use Pinaud aftershave since bay rum and others are a little hard to come by here and I don't like to use cards online too much (this my narrow but heavenly snus variety.) I have some other "grease" products but I don't really do a greaser style hairdo for it. Double edge razors are currently my choice, I want to buy an ivory straight razor from a swap meet type store even if I have to save up for a while. My mother told me about my great grandfathers huge straight razor collection, but of course they're gone now. Who knows where. But brylcreem is great stuff, I recommend to anyone. I ran out of DE blades, and used a damn plastic disposable. Chopped me up. To put into context of this forum, anyone who uses any kind of disposable can be compared to someone who only uses American snus. You have a whole world of exploration to come.


                  • squeezyjohn
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2497

                    Well - given the bizarre double nature this thread has taken on...

                    I don't currently use anything in my hair day to day - but I wash it using one of Lush's solid shampoo soaps that contains rhassoul mud and a tiny bit of henna. On the occasion I want to get my hair to stay in an un-natural position I use Dax and for more extreme hair I use good old fashioned egg white and make sure I wash it out that night.

                    For aftershave I use Ogallala bay rum with sandalwood.

                    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by Lucky
                      To put into context of this forum, anyone who uses any kind of disposable can be compared to someone who only uses American snus. You have a whole world of exploration to come.

                      I use Trumper's Sandalwood shaving cream (or Taylor of Old Bond Street-Mr. Taylor shaving cream) with a Simpson Colonel brush, Double edge or Straight razor, Pinaud or Floid vigorosso aftershave, topped off with Creed or Tom Ford fragrance. When it comes to my hair, I just use regular Pantene shampoo and some pommade to tame it, when needed.


                      • UsualSnuspects
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 278

                        I'm doing my best to bring this thread around to the original topic:

                        I find that if I shave avec pris, the skin above the pris gets a much closer shave than the rest of the lip. For the closest shave, I pack a 10-click worm of Pioneer up there, and even with a rusty shard of rebar I have the smoothest upper lip in town. And that's why I decided not to quit. I hope that helps guide your decision.


                        • Reynard
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 804

                          Originally posted by UsualSnuspects
                          I'm doing my best to bring this thread around to the original topic:

                          I find that if I shave avec pris, the skin above the pris gets a much closer shave than the rest of the lip. For the closest shave, I pack a 10-click worm of Pioneer up there, and even with a rusty shard of rebar I have the smoothest upper lip in town. And that's why I decided not to quit. I hope that helps guide your decision.
                          Haha, very skilfully done mate


                          • UsualSnuspects
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 278

                            Originally posted by Vulpes
                            Haha, very skilfully done mate
                            Very happy to see you back on the forum/wagon.


                            • Reynard
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 804

                              Originally posted by UsualSnuspects
                              Very happy to see you back on the forum/wagon.
                              Thanks mate, good to be back :-)


                              • whalen
                                • May 2009
                                • 6593

                                Nair, and your there!
                                wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!

