Snusing again after getting an E-cig

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  • Lucky

    Snusing again after getting an E-cig

    Hey all, I did get that ecig I mentioned(Joyetech ego-c). its nice and all but it isn't really my thing. I'm just trying to cut back a little. Is anybody here doing one or two snus a day? I would really like some nicotine with my coffee in the morning. The thing with ecigs is that you don't reaally know what the hell it is you are inhaling even if you make your own juice cuz of those atomizer things in there. My lungs already feel worse off. I'm gonna get some General wintergreen to try out again, I havent used it since I first started snusing. Didn't like it, but I am getting bored of general black originals. Might try Los, but not today.
  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    With ecig juice quality and taste is everything. I deal exclusively with two vendors:

    I only use 100% VG in glass bottles. Very seldom do I order juice with nic... I use snus for my nic and the ecigs for the psychological sensation of smoking. Some of the ecig juices are damn good!
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