The EU must listen!

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  • sharesnusinfo!
    • May 2008
    • 477

    The EU must listen!

    With the EU's proposed new tobacco directive threatened the Swedish snus, and not least Gotlandssnus which basically only have flavored snus. Do you want to know the latest happening in the matter of the Tobacco Products Directive or just show what you think is this a page to like and share on to your friends. In the end, the EU must listen!

    Facebook campaign:
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    What do you think of this Jimmy? Is there a real chance of this passing, or is the EU just trying to wish away tobacco?

    I like this badge


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      What do you think of this Jimmy? Is there a real chance of this passing, or is the EU just trying to wish away tobacco?

      I like this badge

      That's a good question...........I've heard so many takes on the new directive........some say it will be more ridged.....others think it will be more there any feel for which way it is leaning......and when will the final form of the directive be set?
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        I would share it Jimmy ... but all my friends over here will not understand the Swedish ... and they all think that snus is a weird and dirty habit that probably should be banned.

        It's going to take more than a Facebook campaign to get public awareness of snus and it's benefits in most EU countries ... I don't know what that is, but literally no-one knows what snus is over here! Everyone who hasn't looked it up thinks that putting tobacco in your mouth is worse for your health than smoking it!

        This is a battle you need to win and rally support for in Sweden I'm afraid. People should be absolutely outraged that a harm-reducing solution with a long tradition of being flavoured with natural oils is under threat from a corrupt EU commission who doesn't seem to understand how beneficial it could be to the whole population of the EU!

        Good Luck


        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          Wot Squeezy said unfortunately


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            You're both not trying hard enough, I have turned people in work and dispelled the myth, all it takes is education and backing up with science, soon turns people's views.


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              The sad part is that Squeezy is right, and it's not just in the's the same in the US. The real problem is that the manufacturers are prohibited by law to go out and spend advertising money to educate the general population. Even I can't speak to the harm reduction properties of snus because I too am bound by laws governing distribution of tobacco products.

              The ONLY real way the general population is going to learn about snus and other smoking alternatives is by people and sites just like this. Sadly, it won't reach enough people to make a real "voting" difference. We can't rely on FDA to do unbiased testing, nor the EU commission for that matter. They only see this as a product that contains tobacco, therefore it's evil.

              Guess I'm feeling jaded today, because no matter how often I get on my pulpit here in the US, it's still slow going...but it's growing and that's great. The advent of electronic cigarettes has slowed the growth of snus in the US, but I feel the pending FDA regs will change that a bit...we'll see. Hang in there guys, all is not lost ;-)


              • squeezyjohn
                • Jan 2008
                • 2497

                It works with people who are intelligent, open-minded, and experimental in their outlook on life.

                When you consider that most adults have already decided what is right and wrong and will live out their lives by those simple unquestioning rules because to continue to question everything becomes too hard to be bothered with ... we're fighting a losing battle!

                Maybe Skell knows more enlightened people than Frosted and myself - it wouldn't surprise me!

                Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                • Skell18
                  • May 2012
                  • 7067

                  Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                  It works with people who are intelligent, open-minded, and experimental in their outlook on life.

                  When you consider that most adults have already decided what is right and wrong and will live out their lives by those simple unquestioning rules because to continue to question everything becomes too hard to be bothered with ... we're fighting a losing battle!

                  Maybe Skell knows more enlightened people than Frosted and myself - it wouldn't surprise me!
                  Hahahaha, people trying to quit smoking are the easiest to win around, I am up to 10 now in work alone!

                  You need to stay positive and not give up until the last dying breath!


                  • sharesnusinfo!
                    • May 2008
                    • 477

                    We will try very hard anyway! this is our chance for the last stand.. If it get true there will be a lot of unemployed people in Sweden working in the snus industry and maby in a long term all the snus will disappear, anyhow.. How does an nonflavored snus taste like? (you probably don´t know because there is non! "except my trial with PLAIN "
                    This is a question for everyone that like Swedish snus. For now it´s a question for all the politics in Sweden to listen and stand up for the Swedish snusers in the EU-parliament..

                    Together we unite and say "Our snus, Our decision" and they have to listen to the people!


                    • Skell18
                      • May 2012
                      • 7067

                      Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
                      We will try very hard anyway! this is our chance for the last stand.. If it get true there will be a lot of unemployed people in Sweden working in the snus industry and maby in a long term all the snus will disappear, anyhow.. How does an nonflavored snus taste like? (you probably don´t know because there is non! "except my trial with PLAIN "
                      This is a question for everyone that like Swedish snus. For now it´s a question for all the politics in Sweden to listen and stand up for the Swedish snusers in the EU-parliament..

                      Together we unite and say "Our snus, Our decision" and the have to listen to the people!
                      Your trial snus is amazing, end of!


                      • squeezyjohn
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2497

                        Seriously ... I'm not one to hold back from trying to impose my views on others ... you may have noticed!

                        I have really tried to switch people I know who smoke over to snus ... I have not had a single success. Some have tried it - normally drunkenly in a bar when it was raining or on an aeroplane flight.

                        It just takes an unusual person to decide to go for snus in our circumstances ... and given how difficult it is to get hold of over here, they're just not going to even contemplate it as an alternative to smoking, even if they see why they should ... well done EU!

                        I am almost bursting with fury at how stupid the whole situation is. Snus is the way for many many smokers to regain a better quality of life - it's also a tobacco product with a whole wealth of history and has a type of gourmet quality in the subtleties of it's flavours ... the world would be a far poorer place if this ban on flavourings comes in to force. But to win - you have to accept the truths out there ... and it needs some kind of subversive advertising within the EU for anyone to get in to it!

                        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                        • squeezyjohn
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2497

                          Jimmy - you are talking very seriously ... Sweden should just say no - seriously! What do you guys want? An increase in smoking again?

                          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                          • sharesnusinfo!
                            • May 2008
                            • 477

                            Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                            Jimmy - you are talking very seriously ... Sweden should just say no - seriously! What do you guys want? An increase in smoking again?
                            Snus is serious! (smoke? what is that..) I stopped smoking something like 18years ago and since then I have been using snus (flavoured snus)

                            Bans only leads to more bans!

                            From one of the biggest Swedish newspapier :
                            The proposal for a new EU tobacco directive, there are some to ban additives that give snus a "distinctive flavor" of anything other than tobacco.

                            The proposal has met with strong criticism from the Swedish side and there is much confusion about what it means in practice.

                            EU Commissioner Tonio Borg, responsible for the directive, has previously said that the proposal would only move 10 percent of the Swedish snus production, but that figure is taken from the air.

                            Swedish Match expects that 30-70 percent of their products may be prohibited and the smaller manufacturer Gotlandssnus fear that all their snus can be stopped.

                            "Must listen to the people"

                            And the Swedish people do not seem overly fond of the EU's plans.

                            In a new poll from Novus as Gotlandssnus ordered responds full 71 percent said they believe that adult Swedes to buy flavored snuff.

                            Nearly three in ten also say that they think that Sweden should consider to leave the EU if the flavored snus is banned. Among those who use snus daily said the 59 per cent that Sweden should consider an exit.

                            - It does not appear that the politicians have understood how important snus, politicians must listen to the Swedish people. It is a product with a long tradition in Sweden, says Henrik Jakobsson, CEO of Gotlandssnus.

                            - Yes, it's all really about the EU will not step in and decide on a Swedish product that is only allowed in Sweden. It is absolutely too much control from Brussels.


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
                              Yes, it's all really about the EU will not step in and decide on a Swedish product that is only allowed in Sweden. It is absolutely too much control from Brussels.
                              This x 1000

                              I had once hoped that the new directive would open up things in the EU for snus and in turn begin to loosen the restrictions laid down in the USA by the PACT act

                              However, the path may run in the opposite seems that more and more states legislatures are exploring the science behind harm reduction and proposing new HR laws. Cigarettes are creating havoc for states and insurance costs...........the patch and gum have a 97% failure purely economic terms it is getting too expensive to ignore the truth...........the growing trend on the state level could very well force the door open on the national level.......time will tell
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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