makla ifrikia

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  • justintempler
    • Nov 2008
    • 3090

    Pöschl makes a chewing tobacco too. Northerner & MrSnuff already handle Pöschl so it should? be easier to add to their lineup on a trial basis.


    Coffee flavoured:

    Spearmint and Menthol:


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      These look better.

      I notice these have Arabic writing like the Makla and in a similar can.


      • MrSnuff
        • Aug 2010
        • 34

        I checked out the Poschl Makla equivalent and it is only available in France so unless I can find a French distributor that is not a happening thing. Meanwhile I took the plunge on another makla I found call Makla-Ifrikia. It is made in Belgium so it should be pretty decent. If you are interested take a peek here: MrSnuff Makla



        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          Couldn't take my time to read the entire thread...

          Is this snus / chew / or dip ?

          I suppose it's chew tobacco am I right?


          • MrSnuff
            • Aug 2010
            • 34

            My understanding is it is more like loose snus. Perhaps someone more experienced than me can chime in on this? I have never tried it, though I can't wait! I heard it is pretty strong (I think tom502 commented on that).



            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              It's like loose snus.


              • desirexe
                • Feb 2008
                • 1170

                I had to try a few new snuffs so I figured I'd throw in a few cans of Makla as well. I just received my package today consisting of Makla Ifrikia, Bentchicou (red) and Africaine. They all smell similar to each other, sort of like NTSU, that cat box scent but much more pungent! If you have slightly moist palms, good luck opening the metal tins! The Africaine was in a plastic tin and easiest to open so this is what I started with. The tobacco is a very moist, putty-like texture. Easy to handbake but I recommend an icetool because it is so moist, you have to scrub your hands to clean off the residue! Like others stated, the texture has a chalkiness to it, which is visible, the tobacco is sort of 'creamy' looking. Anyway, I review this as I have a tiny 1/2 click of my 3ml icetool in my mouth, the taste is way different than the smell, which kind of alarmed me after opening the tin! It has a sort of 'fruity' taste to it, like a non-sweet fruitiness, I can't tell what I am tasting but I am not turned off, I am reminded of cranberries though. There is a slight burning, more of a tingling, nothing major and I can actually feel the nicotine, which for me was a feeling of 'uplifting.' Prior to this tiny pinch I was having that familiar sluggish, foggy afternoon feeling, but this stuff lifted me within minutes. Recall, this is only 1/2 a click..a tiny portion. I can't imagine filling my icetool with this stuff! Moving this stuff around with the tongue, which I do with all los to get max flavor very quickly is not advisable, the texture is gross...chalky and gritty! To sum things up - I probably would not buy a second tin, but I won't waste this stuff either, it's better than many snus I've tried and besides, the tin is awesome and unique, important to a tin collector such as myself. I think the description says that these have a metallic taste to them. I didn't notice until I removed it and the aftertaste was slightly metallic...Interesting to say the least.


                • MrSnuff
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 34

                  Makla at MrSnuff

                  Thanks for the input. I can't wait to try it now. I am always on the lookout for the more powerful of our nicotine friends.

                  I just ordered a bunch more for those of you who missed it first time around. Should be in the warehouse in the next couple of days.



                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    I did a review on this stuff, MrSnuff got a little plug in there too. :P


                    • MrSnuff
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 34




                      • desirexe
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 1170

                        Originally posted by c.nash View Post
                        I did a review on this stuff, MrSnuff got a little plug in there too. :P
                        Just watched the video...firstly, good job on the videos! Secondly, glad to know it is not just me who has issues opening those damn metal cans! I finally grabbed one of those rubber mat jar-opener thingies but could still not open the Ifrikia so I grabbed a second mat! Using the two mats I was able to twist the top off. The Ifrikia nic hit me harder than the Africaine and I had it in my mouth for minutes! In that short of time, it made my gum and inner lip and tooth hurt too! Reminded me of the time I bit down on a piece of aluminum foil. (Hasn't everyone done this for no reason?) I will not be using this stuff very often! The flavor was similar to Africaine but bland. Anyway, just posting a picture of my Makla stash and showing off my cute pink icetool.

                        Uploaded with


                        • c.nash
                          Banned Users
                          • May 2010
                          • 3511

                          Thanks for the compliments. It's unique stuff that's for sure. The nicotine hit is the only positive to it though lol.


                          • MrSnuff
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 34

                            Makla review Part 1

                            First of all, apologies for my absence these past couple of weeks. Believe it or not I was in court - as a witness only, thank goodness. Very interesting experience. Quite an eye opener to the judicial process I must admit.

                            Now at the warehouse trying to streamline the process a little now that things have settled down and the warehouse people have become accustomed to the huge variety and similarities amongst snuffs that we take for granted.

                            So, Makla....

                            I was very excited to get hold of this stuff simply because it seemed like another interesting way to partake of the glorious VitN. With the exception of the Nefra Ifrikia these are not nasal snuffs. The Nefra is fine enough and dry enough to be insufflated nasally, I am not sure if this is really how it is supposed to be used, but I will get to that another day.

                            First on the list is MAKLA IFRIKIA. This is the base product so a good place to start.

                            The manufacturer describes it thus:

                            "A can of classical Makla in the metal box with a green band."

                            Not exactly a lot of help since the green band is tape which has to be peeled off to open the can.

                            It is rumored to have 30% nicotine which I have not confirmed and frankly find hard to believe. The tins look like they would hold 10g of snuff, but the high water content raises the weight to 20g. The lid is on very tight and takes a bit of effort to remove. Upon opening the tin the first impression is a tin of mud colored clay that reeks of ammonia. For me the ammonia is not a negative thing, for all the reasons debated on this forum.

                            I would recommend getting hold of the prismaster. This is a simple enough plastic tool that allows the compressing of the makla into a nice little lump to be placed under the upper lip much like snus. Failing that taking a small pinch and squashing into the apropriate shape will suffice, though just like clay a residue is left on the fingers. The first mistake I made was filling the little tool and putting the compressed lump about 1/2"x 1/2"x1/4" under my lip. Reason I say mistake is because this is most definitely the strongest nicotine product I have used. It is comparable only to DW in the hit.

                            The initial sensation is a mild heat on the gum, followed by pulsing as the blood flow increases. In about 30 seconds I started to feel the buzz followed about a minute later by a huge rush. I felt dizzy but persevered. After about 5 mins I started to feel slightly nauteous and, recognizing that I clearly had enough nicotine in my blood stream, elected about 2 minutes later to remove it.

                            WOW! It was truly an amazing experience. However, next time around I halved the doze and the enjoyment factor significantly increased.

                            There is not much flavor to speak of. It is neither pleasant nor unpleasant. It definitely has an earthy taste to it, and indeed upon careful examination and mixing with water it truly does appear to be clay based. You can see the heavy particles sink to the bottom of the glass.

                            Would I recommend it? Absolutely. It is, for me at least, a unique experience. I am very happy to add it to my repertoire.

                            I will try one of the others tomorrow and let you know how I get on.



                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              The initial sensation is a mild heat on the gum, followed by pulsing as the blood flow increases.
                              That means it's quite strong stuff!!


                              • pactactrefugee
                                • Jul 2010
                                • 104

                                That review is pretty right on. Strong ass stuff. Hint is to use it once you open the can and keep it in the fridge. Otherwise it smells like crap. Has a musty kind of smell anyway but the burn and the hit is huge. I ordered mine straight from the website some time ago. I have wanted to order the red and give it a go.


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