It amazes me all the things to be labelled, catagorized, named, used in various ways. What a curious species we are. But anyway. I now know the answer to my question. Also seems if you vape at the same time you snus the absorbtion of nicotine is enhanced with the aid of the additives in snus and the Makla's additive etcetera. Since i vape WTA i like to get the goods because its all expensive compared to the natural sources. Have a good week.
makla ifrikia
Originally posted by dmorton View PostHi,
Is there anybody from the USA, who's been chewing Makla for ages ? since when ?
I know a few people here have tried it before (if I remember they all thought it pretty nasty with a big kick)......a general concern has been the processing methods used to make it and the high TSNA levels........That said, I don't recall anyone here being a regular user so I will be interested to hear from anyone who steps forward.
Also welcome to the forum mate! Make yourself at homeWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I've never tried makla. At one time Swedish Match made a makla with low TSNA levels. I'm not sure if they still do. Mr. Snuff has a variety of products.
Originally posted by dmorton View PostSwedish Match made a makla ? do you remember the name ?
I did find a new product from our Swedish friends at GN Tobacco called Alika. You can read the review here:
"Alika is a new chewing tobacco product from GN Tobacco. It is made to be a comparable product to Makla Ifrikia. I was told by GN Tobacco that they created it for the French market and hope to have it distributed by Altadice in France."
Originally posted by dmorton View PostThx Trebli, yes I do know about Alika. It has nothing to do with Makla Ifrikia and there is albumin in it... I have been told that it is a kind of Makla Africaine Benthcikou, but I don't think so.
Why would it have albumin in it (the globular protein in egg whites)?
Also, I have not been able to find an ingredients list for it, can you point us to the one where you found albumin listed
Thanks mateWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
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