Cigs to Snus, the story so far (Giant post).

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  • Scott674
    • Jul 2008
    • 26

    Cigs to Snus, the story so far (Giant post).

    Here's my super post with my first couple weeks of experiance in snus.

    So I recieved my first snus order some weeks ago. It took some time to fully dip in. Initially, I did a bunch, I think it was probably 5 portions the first day. This was sort of overkill, as I wasn't used to it. The saltiness really dried out my lip and I got the wrinkle lip pretty bad. Also, the burn was quite intense. I remember taking out the last portion I put in that day after like 5 minutes, I couldn't handle the burn anymore.

    I was also still smoking cigs at that point. For the next week or so, I continued smoking out the rest of my cigs as normal, and using 1 or 2 portions some days, sometimes not even having any in a day. Then I ran out of cigs. The fateful day. Would I be able to switch to snus and give up my precious cigarette?

    I've found that, for me, there's definately 2 parts to the cigarette addiction. The nicotine, as well as the habitual aspects of it. Regularly smoking on my breaks at work, in the car, after a meal, in the morning, before bed, etc... Even without the nicotine aspects of it, these habits can be difficult to break. The toughest by far is the car. I've got a 1 hour drive to and from work each day. I've caught myself unconciously reaching for that pack of cigs stored in the overhead compartment several times....

    Anyways, thus far, snus has proven sucessful. In about 8 hours or so, I'll be at 2 weeks since I finished that last pack. I've had 1 lapse, where I found 1 cig in a pack that I thought was empty while cleaning my car. Compared to previous attempts at quitting, this has been by far the easiest time. I've only had 2 or 3 real stong cravings for a cig... all of them while driving in the car, without my snus, and after I've caught a wiff of smoke from a neighboring driver. The lesson would be to not leave my snus behind while getting in the car, and roll up the windows!!!

    I still fear that I'll break sooner or later. My previous best attempt at quitting was about 2 weeks, so I'm about level with that right now. My plan is to use snus until I feel the physical habits are sufficiently broken. When I no longer feel empty without going outside on a break, and when I quit reaching for that pack in the car... Then I'll look at the nicotine part of it, and and think about trying to ween off the snus...... although I am enjoying it very much!!!

    I'm spilling everything here to hopefully inspire others to try snus as a means to quit cigs, and also as I sort of view you guys as my quitting support group. Though I haven't been here long, and haven't posted much, I have been reading here. I agree with Sagedil's 500th post, this is a great place filled with great people.

    Anyways, enough about quitting cigs and on to my reviews on snus. My first order was 16 tins from all over the board. Original, white, mini, los... I got some of everything. So far my favorite is Original. By far. I remember being worried about the size of the portion, about it not being discrete at work... Thinking I would be a mini guy. Well the mini's aren't nearly enough to quench my nic requirements and I've found the standard size to be totally discrete. I been using them at work regularly for 2 weeks now without a problem, even in front of my supervisor. He hasn't noticed.

    I'm not that into the white portion. It's not bad by all means, I just much prefer the taste of an original portion. I don't know how to describe it, but I'm sure you all know what I mean. It's got more of a zing???

    I also haven't gotten into the los. I've tried baking a pris a few times, but I really do not like the mud mouth. I'm constantly spitting it out. I've only tried the probe los, which does taste very good. It may be close to my favorite taste, but I just can't seem to deal with the breaking up of the pris very well. Do you guys just swallow it as it melts away?

    My favorite right now is Nick & Johnny. Yes, because there's more nicotine, but it also has the best taste by far out of those I've tried. So far I'm sort of impartial to the rest of the originals I've tried. Ettan, Grov, General, Lucky Strike, Skruf Strong... I honestly don't see too much taste difference. The General is pretty citriusy, and I also think Lucky Strike is too. Grov is a strong flavor (not citrius, just strong tobacco) and seems to me to juice alot compared to the others. Ettan is very good, probably my number 2 pick behind Nick and Johnny. Nick and Jonny has a kind of sweetness that's a little stronger than the rest. Not such a potent salty/tobaccoy flavor. Phantom blue was the most disgusting thing I've ever willingly put into my mouth, which suprised me at how much different it tasted compared to the very subtile differences between the rest of them. Nich and Johnny will be the first tin I'll finish completely, and there'll probably be a roll of it ordered on my next order.

    So out of the initial order, I haven't yet tried my General los, Gotteborgs Rape los, Lucky Strike white portion, and Offroad. I think the los will last me a long long time as I currently won't use it at work or in the car, which makes up the majority of my day (2 hours driving, 8 hours working, 1 hour lunch...) I'll get through the whites and probably not order anymore.

    I've been planning my next order. 1 Roll Nick and Johnnys, 1 can Mocca +, 1 can Gotlands Yellow. That's about it. I don't see anymore that I really want to try. Nick and Johnny is just that good. Any suggestions based on my pick of N&J as my favorite?

    LOL that got very long. Thanks for reading!
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077


    I'm glad that snus is working out so well for you. So many of us have gone down that same road. But the thing about snus, you are getting nicotine, so if you smoke, it won't be like any of the other times when you went cold turkey. one cigarette doesn't suddenly lead to another. It's just a different mechanism to get the same nicotine you already are getting.

    That is what makes snus so useful in walking away from cigarettes. Over time, you just will prefer snus most, if not all the time. I still smoke one here and there. Had one today in fact. Next one might be next week, next month, or whenever I happen to want one. Most important for me, now when I smoke, it is because I WANT one, not because I NEED one.

    Hanging out with smokers is the one time I am likely to smoke. There is that shared bond of smoking together that is hard to break. As much as I love snus, it just doesn't offer the same compadreship.

    The habit part will slowly dies off. I noticed it maybe the first month or so, but over time, my snus rituals replaced them. Keep snusing, and if you have a cigarette, OK. Again, if you are like most here, you might find soon that smoking is really gross.

    I used strong almost exclusively my first two months. I still use some every morning, and 1 or 2 on most days later on when I feel I just need that extra kick. Definitely try the General Sterk. and Nick & Johnny West, as well as General Oynx for other strong snus. Over time, you will need the strong less and less, and there is a whole world of flavors that await you. If you want to use minis, definitely get a hold of the Mocca +. the regular is now one of my top 5 snus. Really, really yummy. And before you give up on the whites, try the Lucky Strike, another in my top 5.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of snus Scott674, your adventure is just beginning.


    • cwcov
      New Member
      • Apr 2008
      • 13

      I too really enjoy N&J strong, to the point I just about purchased a roll this past time. I did request tins of N&J in my mix.I'm still sampling and experimenting. No real recommendations from me though. I've just been ordering the mixed rolls hoping to find the select few I really can't live without. Really I'm finding I like the los for most of my usage, and keep portions around for a change of pace, social situations, or for giving out to friends.



      • ---Nicotinic Acid---
        • Jul 2008
        • 134

        When the urge to smoke is overwhelming, I suggest you grab a pipe and smoke a bowl. This is infinitely less harmful to your health than cigarettes.
        Let the smoke linger in your mouth and exhale slowly to absorb the nicotine.

        Check the 1964 Sugeons General Report (google): Pipe smokers have an increased mortality rate (more likely to die before average life expectancy) of 7%, compared with 83% for cigarettes.

        Slowly developing a pipe collection is fun too. The actual pipe tobacco is cheaper than dirt: I smoke for about $6-8 a month. An occasional cigar is fine too (preferable while driving, as relighting your pipe can be a bitch), but pipe smoking is far superior.

        Good luck: You can do this.


        • exexpat93
          • Jul 2008
          • 76

          Same Same...

          I hear all your points. You are going to have to find something to do with your hands or your mind during those breaks and driving. You are used to multi-tasking. Doing at least two things at once. Snus frees up a hand. I drink coffee and play with my cans while thinking about my investments and work politics. Snus is turning me into a hound for both. (Ok, I was into both before but now...)

          Things I can say now that I'm in deep and out of cigs. Smoke in bars burns my eyes (never when I smoked) and taste is returning (I confused some black pepper tasting Snus for a strange Swedish citrus before - now I'm getting the pepper full strength. Doing a 'Ichi the Killer' / Joker licking. Hmm!).

          I feel I can reduce Snus now. I could never say that about smoking. Not stop... reduce intake.


          • Scott674
            • Jul 2008
            • 26

            Originally posted by sagedil
            Hanging out with smokers is the one time I am likely to smoke. There is that shared bond of smoking together that is hard to break. As much as I love snus, it just doesn't offer the same compadreship.
            This part has always been the end of my previous attempts. I'm recently out of college (well still going, just doing it remotely now) so I'm not around all my old smoking friends. I always thought it was funny... My first year at college I met so many people so quickly simply because I smoked... and it made it very hard to quit because all my friends were smokers. Out of college now, without other smokers around me hardly at all (Just a few at work) it's been much easier. I don't see people smoking, and most of all, I can't bum just one. I'm now past the 2 week mark and feeling good.

            Originally posted by exexpat93
            ...and taste is returning (I confused some black pepper tasting Snus for a strange Swedish citrus before - now I'm getting the pepper full strength.
            Yeah, I think this is why I think that for the most part alot of the snus tastes more or less the same. I can sense a citrus flavor, but that's about it. Right now, for me, it's like original snus is either citrusy or not.

            One of my favorite things about snus so far is I can feel that nicotine buzz every single day on my first portion of the day. Granted it's never as strong as that buzz you'd catch on a cig when you first started to smoke, but it's something....something I RARELY ever felt with cigs. I just love that light and very relaxing buzz when I pop in my first of the day (always N&J!!!!!)

            Sage, I do have a can of Lucky Strike White that I haven't opened yet... I'll give it a try today.

