You know....for a contest that we are not even sure is a contest......this is pretty good
Well done Whalen
Well thank you, I am still not sure if this is a real contest, or if I am on the hook for a boatload of snus shipping real soon, but my only regrets are that I did not have time to prepare, But if this is a GN joke (jock), I hope he rips a stitch or two when I finally figure out that he completely snookered me.
Snotgiff........(honerary) for his cleaver Kardashian answer.........
Skell ...........for getting the right Picture guessed correctly Congrats on that you are far smarter than you type obviously
Frosty..........for picking a hairy arse picture against all odds, and to get him out of my hair in general.......
CzechCzar.....For posting that wicked photo of Govegan on the bed..
Jagmanss .....For his correct placement of himself in that Nick and Johhny love triangle....
Mr. Snuffleupagus ......For getting Level right after i about spelled out the correct answer, But congrats!
Premium Parrots......for getting the Radical red right, eventually, see there is method to my madness, no?
Big Blue ......I like the General in a coffin can thinking for the Mao question, I am going to give that one to you!!Congrats.
Snus Dog......Just so he will get that cold freaking nose out of my butt, and for the generalissimo guess.
Phantom...... Pioneer (sob,cry!) Was the correct choice for Explorer.
GN you better "Have my back" on this one...they are catching on......! BTW how are they hanging?
You know....for a contest that we are not even sure is a contest......this is pretty good
Well done Whalen
Actually it's better than pretty good. Hell he even sent the big wiener answer to a second source to keep it above board, Which makes it respectable. I love this freaking contest.
Webbers choice is giving me some big trouble.......I am working on that one. Of course I am having trouble figuring out the correct answer to one of my own Questions this morning! I drank a bit last night, so I will have to drink a bit to recreate the scenario that inspired the question. How is that for applied logic?