Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
Skell ...........for getting the right Picture guessed correctly Congrats on that you are far smarter than you type obviously
Frosty..........for picking a hairy arse picture against all odds, and to get him out of my hair in general.......
CzechCzar.....For posting that wicked photo of Govegan on the bed..
Jagmanss .....For his correct placement of himself in that Nick and Johhny love triangle....
Mr. Snuffleupagus ......For getting Level right after i about spelled out the correct answer, But congrats!
Premium Parrots......for getting the Radical red right, eventually, see there is method to my madness, no?
Big Blue ......I like the General in a coffin can thinking for the Mao question, I am going to give that one to you!!Congrats.
Snus Dog......Just so he will get that cold freaking nose out of my butt, and for the generalissimo guess.
Phantom...... Pioneer (sob,cry!) Was the correct choice for Explorer.
Tobaccylassy ... gets a win for best photo by a rank newbie for that very Snuson Pick.. Congrats!