I'd rather have GNs friendship than free snus. I love free snus but the way some snuson members have got on it leaves me very uncomfortable. I smply had fun with the quiz and enjoy Gevorgs company. Thats all I and some others care about.
Well snus or no snus......I hope both you and GN will stick around.........you both have been missed.
It's good to see ya mate!!!
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
I'd rather have GNs friendship than free snus. I love free snus but the way some snuson members have got on it leaves me very uncomfortable. I smply had fun with the quiz and enjoy Gevorgs company. Thats all I and some others care about.
You have my friendship anyway now can I have your address PM- ed
Wonder where Irish Bill went to? GN sent him snus and Bill posted a picture of himself with a truck load of snus in his arms. He was never heard of again. It was Extreme snus so maybe he died.
This episode was simply a temporary detour to wellness and lucidity which Whalen has mistaken for illness. It should be over within the week. If you wish to ask Whalen a question of which you require a reasonable answer such as "What time is it" and "What day is it today?" you could achieve at least some success right now.
Wonder where Irish Bill went to? GN sent him snus and Bill posted a picture of himself with a truck load of snus in his arms. He was never heard of again. It was Extreme snus so maybe he died.
Probably did kill him, but he knew the job was dangerous when he took it....
Good to hear GN sent us snus and thanks anyway for the generous offer PP. Also very nice of Skelly to offer his winnings to someone else. I'm very happy to see some familiar faces active on the forum again. You guys are great and one of the reasons why I started posting on Snuson in the first place. Sorry if my post asking for an update started any problems.
I just want to say thanks to PP for offering to help GN by giving out his own snus stash. I wouldn't take your personal stash and I'm guessing most, if not all of us wouldn't either. So you won't be getting a pm from...except maybe to buy your Odens Cold
GN seems to be taking care of all the wieners...sure it took awhile but like he said, "better letter than never". I survived for 8 months without my prize. I just figured I wasn't getting it. I'd just chime in whenever someone asked what/when we were getting it. So it will be like Christmas when it does arrive!
No love lost, Odens is still my everyday favorite snus...and of course glad to see GN and Frosty back and posting!