Hey I know I went over the top. But in the end it was what it took to resolve some issues. Everybody was getting pissed at GN at the time. Now all is hunkey dorey I have never been anything but honest here. I have no regrets for what I said. Again, there were plenty of pissed off people (yourself included), I just verbalized those feelings and it worked out well for all except me. All that said, I'll throw out an olive branch and see where that get's us.....
neither i regret any word i have said to you and about you , you know who you are , you are a martyr of snus world .
sed........real sed. If you think we have turned on you, then you are mistaken. I do not understand why so much rage.......
Who is WE - you and Bigblu ?or you and Frosted ? or who is WE...and what is problem here ? A misfit tells to community that its because of him i send snus and you Whalen say WORD ? Which means for me that you are agrree with him? Then for knowlege of those who dont know- i send snus cause i made quize asked Whalen to help me and i have done what i should have , what's the problem?
If you pay for snus you can demand that you get it and demand that you get it soon. If you have not paid it's entirely up to the giver and it's extremely rude to demand it. I dunno, maybe it's just the way I was brought up instead of dragged up.
Anyhow, GN has honoured everybody with snus....yet again.
I obviously don't speak for GN but running your own tobacco company and bringing up two kids with a third one on the way, I wouldn't have the time, or even the desire to send half the participants on some internet forum a heap of snus. I don't know how he does it. I think it says heaps about the man that he would even want to. Yeah snus companies give samples, but this is more than samples. This is why I have such respect.
I obviously don't speak for GN but running your own tobacco company and bringing up two kids with a third one on the way, I wouldn't have the time, or even the desire to send half the participants on some internet forum a heap of snus. I don't know how he does it. I think it says heaps about the man that he would even want to. Yeah snus companies give samples, but this is more than samples. This is why I have such respect.
this ^^
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Over the years there have been several theories on what would happen if someone traveled back in time (or forward into the future), with a big emphasis...
I know a lot of snus users really don't see the point in a Tobacco and Nicotine free snus. Some say it's like Decaf coffee others compare it to fat free...