Yeah, I'm all OK - now. I've had a mad 18 months - lots of work stress (2 redundancies and a start-up that collapsed) and some life trauma too (my baby boy got meningitis in February, hospitalised for a week, but he recovered and is now doing fine).
Will all that, I've not really had much inclination for idle chit-chat on the internet!
Still snussing, still smoking. Damn, I love nicotine.
Hope you're all well and that. Will try to pop in a bit more regularly now life seems to have settled down a bit...
Hey, good to hear from you but sorry to hear things have been rough for you. I'm on the cigs at the moment as on extended vacation in Asia and not sure on the postal system for snus but i will be back on the Skruf when i can get it. Take care and best wishes to you and your family.