How much snus do you use?

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  • MasterGuns
    • Jun 2009
    • 312

    anywhere from 1 to 5 or 6 a day, some days none. depends on my mood really.
    And no one likes a quitter kids, never forget that...


    • AP
      • Feb 2009
      • 104

      8-10 portions , prilla a day , doenst matter Stark or Regular Portion.


      • olderthandirt
        • Nov 2009
        • 248

        4 to 6 portions, mainly 8mg.
        At that rate I've enough to last a looong time!


        • MojoQuestor
          • Sep 2009
          • 2344

          I finally started keeping track again, and managed to mostly do it, for ten days. Counting everything as one--prillas of any size, minis (I don't think I even did any minis), sterk portions, whatever--I did 141 pieces, so a little over 14 per day. I know I forgot a few, so it may be closer to 15 a day.

          I was a little startled when I first began, because I had 19 that day. I wouldn't be surprised if keeping track even helps slow me down a little.

          Twelve a day is probably a good goal for me.


          • Christi
            • Dec 2009
            • 2104

            My nicotine habit has sky rocketed lately. I think I need to slow way down. I counted 8 starks and 7 regular portions yesterday. And that is relatively slow for me because I was out and about and only had 4 portions in my purse. Most days I am at home with a freezer full and don't pay any attention to how often I am getting in the freezer. It is second nature to put a used portion in the trash and go right to the freezer door. I am surprised I don't get up and get portions out in my sleep. I have been doing nasal snuff through the night, it seems to help me sleep better. :?:


            • gear.h34d.2012
              • Nov 2009
              • 72

              2-3 portions a day. Depending on if i'm at work or not, mini or OP. Have had a few situations where I needed to be "sick" at work, so I popped a few more in, and viola!


              • Timpe
                • Jan 2010
                • 31

                A normal daily amount:

                3x 4-mark lös (usually Knox, Ettan or Röda)
                4-6 portions.

                In school I use only portions but in my freetime I prefer lös. Also party-nights are portion-nights (easier to drink without a fear of swallowing snus)


                • wadetheblade
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 572

                  about 8 portions a day. maybe 10 or more if Im drinking or playing disc golf.


                  • kreigle
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 144

                    Usually 2-3 portions (or pinto-bean sized prises of los) per day. Supplemented by several hits of snuff on most days.


                    • kreigle
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 144

                      Originally posted by Christi
                      I have been doing nasal snuff through the night, it seems to help me sleep better. :?:

                      I've noticed that when I snuff before bed or leave a portion in, I tend to oversleep the next morning.

                      Left some los in last night and woke up with what feels like a sinus infection this morning. Got up during the night to remove it because it was making my throat burn on the side the pris was on.


                      • skruflover
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 43

                        around 2 cans per week, sometimes a little bit more, and sometimes less


                        • Bam_48192
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 22

                          if it's a mini portion...half a can

                          if it's an original or white portion 1/4 a can per day.


                          • JC
                            New Member
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 8

                            2 cans a week - This week - 1Ettan Lös & 1Thunder Frosted 8)

                            No cigs, no cigars, no snuff, no al.... ahh..a little alcohol :lol: :lol:


                            • BadAxe
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 631

                              I rather new 2 snus, but so far here is how I have been doing it.

                              Haven't been able to shake the morning cigs yet, so I have 2 or 3 smokes from the time I get up till I arrive at work. From 7:30 am till 12:30 pm I usually have 4 portions, 2 strong and 2 regular. I usually break down and have 1 cig after I eat lunch (morning and food are the 2 cig times I am having difficulty getting past). Then from 1:30 pm till 5:00 pm is usually 3 more portions, 2 strong and 1 regular. Then a smoke after dinner. And probably 3 more portions before bed. So I guess I am averaging 10 portions a day right now. SO MUCH cheaper than smoking. Without snus I was smoking between 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day. Now I have 5 or 6 cigs a day.


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                BadAxe, you really sound like you are just on schedule. A couple of suggestions to help cut down the ciggs further. Use more snus. if you are waiting at all to put another in when you take one out, stop. Just chain snus. Will make it easier to cut that after lunch one out. Also, the first cigg in the morning is really just in your head. Tomorrow, just pop a sterk in as soon as you get out of bed. You still want a cigarette after, fine, have one. But at least *try* to start your day with snus.

