Odens Lime Extra Stark Portion
Very nice!!
It is always a good day when there is a new los born into the world
Now if Northerner will just fix their magically doubling subtotal.....I will order some
It still happens every time I try to place an order, the subtotal is almost double the price of the goods in my cart.....and that is before any taxes are addedWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABYou are talking about extreme 22 mg nicotine , this is 18 mg nicotine Extra Stark
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABHi guayos .....
New stuff in town [ATTACH=CONFIG]3318[/ATTACH] it's good , [ATTACH=CONFIG]3319[/ATTACH] it's Swenglish [ATTACH=CONFIG]3320[/ATTACH] it's availa[ATTACH=CONFIG]3320[/ATTACH]
It's available in :
Odens Extra Stark Portion
Odens Cold Extra Stark Portion
Odens 59 Extra Stark Portion
Odens 59 Extra Stark Lös today
Tomorrow it will be Odens Extra Stark Lös as well
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Oden's original portion(Sweden)
Oden's original portion(Ryssland)
Oden's original portion(USA)
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Channel: Snus Talk
Thank you
For what? For looking here and might be you can help me With this:
Would you like to see Odens Extreme Lime Portion or Odens Regular...Odens Extreme Lime Portion0%0Odens Extreme Lime Loose0%0Odens Lime Portion0%0Odens Lime Loose0%0Odens Lime Mini0%0-
Channel: Snus Talk
by DioxinHey Snuson!
Firstly I wanted to say thanks to everybody here for all the help and information to be found on this site. I have been lurking and...-
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