Question for you Sterk users

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Question for you Sterk users

    Ok, I have a bit of a dilemma.

    Snus is like 1 min down the road from me, fresh General snus, well at least the ones they sell in the US, Orig, White, all the stuff.

    But lately I just want my old standby, Taboca and maybe a can of Granit to try.

    Well I cannot for the life of me find Taboca Original anywhere. I could find the Strong Taboca but I try to avoid Sterks.

    But it seems all the new stuff, all the new brands, its all either Extra Strong, or Ultra Strong. Why???

    Someone like me, who can have panic attacks daily, must be careful because too much nic will set off an attack. My heart was ok'd by the doctor, and I exercise readily. Im perfectly healthy by them. Just panic disorder.

    I do though find that I chain snus daily, I mean from morn to night, I use snus. No issues with regular 8 mg snus, but I wonder if using a strong snus will either:

    A. Help me cut back my usage
    B. Cause a panic attack due to higher nic levels
    C. Pose long term health issues by using higher level nicotine products

    I just get tired of General day after day (I still cry BULLS*** for still not having Onyx available to US customers). I miss my old standbys but seems everything today is moving toward ridiculous nicotine levels.

    So for those of you who still use strong snus daily do you have any issues or do you use less? And could you try and answer the 3 questions above?
  • Mordred
    • Dec 2009
    • 342

    Same boat here. I used to do extra sterks and red bulls all day, but then one night, I had a massive panic attack, thought I was gonna die, trip to the ER, cardiologist said there was nothing wrong, I guess you know the drill. Now, there was a lot going on in my life, none of it good, so I had anxiety from that anyways, but I'm fairly certain, in retrospect, that I was way overdoing the stimulants. Since then, I've avoided caffeine and went back to regular strength snus. No major issues since.

    So yeah, if you use sterks, use them in moderation at the very least.


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      I use extra-starks all the time ... I don't think it has too much of a detrimental effect apart from the fact that I cannot really enjoy regular portions as they just don't do it for me ... the thing with starks is that you can just put them in for less time if you want less nic from them.

      I'm sorry you can't get the old favourite brands ... I would suggest Jakobssons classic as a replacement for Taboca - if I remember correctly they have many similarities.

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        When I was younger I was able to use sterks all the time. Now, at 55+ they are the occasional treat. I suffer from acid reflux and have some heart issues... the sterks do not go well with those issuse. 8mg portions are just fine for me... there is enough variety out there in the 8mg arena to keep me content. I also vape 6mg and 0mg ejuices... many times with a 8mg portion in. This works very well for me.
        If you have any problems with my posts or signature


        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          Yeah, I've had times when I used strong snus like Skruf or Onyx and had no issues, but anything stronger and it's no bueno.

          Any word on regular Taboca?

          Also I saw some bad reviews on Jacobsens Orig portion. I like those but did they change the recipe? It's been about two years since I ordered any.


          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            I think Northerner has Taboca Original. I would order some rolls in a heart beat if any other supplier carried it, I love the stuff.
            I am generally a confirmed 8-9 mg nic guy, but I have tried the Taboca red can and I did not notice much difference or a hit from it.


            • Thunder_Snus
              • Oct 2011
              • 1316

              Originally posted by Grim
              Yeah, I've had times when I used strong snus like Skruf or Onyx and had no issues, but anything stronger and it's no bueno.

              Any word on regular Taboca?

              Also I saw some bad reviews on Jacobsens Orig portion. I like those but did they change the recipe? It's been about two years since I ordered any.
              I find Jaks original to taste like old shrimp to be honest. And that was on a mistake of a roll i purchased a few months ago.
              As for your original questions. I use the same amount of snus everyday regardless of strength. I have a high tolerance for nicotine. An 8 mg general portions satisfies me the same as a huge prilla of thunder frosted.
              If you can't handle the higher nic levels it will certainly increase your heart rate so it could be bad during a panic attack.
              Long term health issues (im not a doctor so i have no idea)
              The only time i experience any heart troubles is when i accidently fall asleep with any snus in. When i wake up in the middle of the night my heart is beating really fast sometimes.


              • sirloot
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 2607

                I dont have that issue but i try to limit myself to 2 or 3 sterks a day find a rotation thats best for you but I prefer sterk/regular/sterk/regular rinse repeat


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by Grim
                  Also I saw some bad reviews on Jacobsens Orig portion. I like those but did they change the recipe? It's been about two years since I ordered any.
                  I haven't had it since the original run(I still have cans from the first batch), but I'd be surprised if it changed. Aside from people getting confused between strong classic(it's sweet), and regular classic(it tastes good), some don't like the jakobssons style. It trends to the bitter side, more so than other snus.


                  • Frankie Reloaded
                    Banned Users
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 541

                    This reminds me of my panic attacks I also thought I was on my way to cemetery and learned to use Diazepam (Valium) at the times of crisis. Anyway:

                    If you buy los, you do not have to worry about starks or extra starks. Just make proportionally smaller pris. And it will help you decrease overall snus use at the same time. Miniature pris - more use of a single can for the same or similar price.


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