Elixyr Energy Boost - Thumbs Down (personally)

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  • datadawg
    • Aug 2008
    • 23

    Elixyr Energy Boost - Thumbs Down (personally)

    I made the tragic mistake of ordering 5 cans of Energy Boost stuff and man do I regret it. You can definitely taste the caffeine in it. The taste is bitter and stays in my mouth for hours even after gargling and seems to numb my tongue and mouth.

    And yet being the stingy bast**d I am I refuse to throw it out and every so often will pop one in my mouth thinking "maybe this time it will be better." It never is.

    But again this is just my personal take on it.
  • captncaveman
    • Jul 2008
    • 924

    yeah that shit is putrid, i can't use the stuff


    • datadawg
      • Aug 2008
      • 23

      I suppose I should leave it in the freezer and use it in an emergency such as customs holds onto my package for too long or something similar. But every time I look at a can of it now I shake and my stomach curdles.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Life's too short to use crappy snus. I've saved some for an "emergency", but I'd rather have nothing than have that crappy snus.

        Here's my shit list...

        Phantom Classic portion
        Elyxir Pepparmint
        Any Offroad portion. I have several :^(
        Kronan lös
        Catch Cassis Menthol


        • datadawg
          • Aug 2008
          • 23

          I have been riding the fence on whether to purchase the Offroad stuff, something internally keeps warning me off of it.


          • toekuttr
            • Jul 2008
            • 197

            It sounded like a good idea, and I like Redbull so I got a couple cans. Turns out they taste like my foots asleep so I still have those two, and two more I got as my bonus cans from Buysnus. Can't look a gifthorse in the mouth, but I imagine I'll have these 4 cans for quite a while, as I'm a stingy bastage too.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Elyxr's made by V2(Offroad) as near as I can tell. All of V2s portion snus has a weird sweetness, and a highly synthetic flavor. Sometimes they taste ok when you first put them in, but then the V2 crappiness shortly comes out. I'd stick with V2s lös snus. It has a certain cheapness also, but there's something there that I find appealing. In any case the lös is much better than the portion, and considering the price, it's worth a shot.


              • datadawg
                • Aug 2008
                • 23

                Turns out they tasted nothing like a redbull, maybe a red bull's urine. But I am sure there are people out there who like the taste of the Elixyar stuff.


                • RobME
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 387

                  Originally posted by datadawg
                  I have been riding the fence on whether to purchase the Offroad stuff, something internally keeps warning me off of it.
                  I'll buy any Offroad Cranberry or Coffee/Vanilla portions from you that you don't care for. Feel free to try 'em. Please don't believe all the shit that you read here... only half of it's true. (you just have to figure out which half) 8)



                  • datadawg
                    • Aug 2008
                    • 23

                    Well now I am just taking one type of can at a time and keeping the lids as i do them and numbering them according to like and dislike till i find my favorite. So far its Skruf.


                    • RobME
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 387

                      Yeah, it's a good idea to try/buy single cans till you know what you like. How you ended-up with five cans of the Elixyr power & energy is :?: beyond me.

                      You might offer it up to sagedil, he likes the stuff.



                      • datadawg
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 23

                        Buying the five cans "seemed" like a good idea. Taurine - Caffeine - and Nicotene, "what could be wrong about those togather? SHUDDERS!


                        • RobME
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 387

                          Originally posted by datadawg
                          Buying the five cans "seemed" like a good idea. Taurine - Caffeine - and Nicotene, "what could be wrong about those togather? SHUDDERS!
                          I think they taste better when consumed seperately. :wink:


                          • TBD
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 817

                            I have both Elixyr Power and Peppermint. Both are horrid. If any of you like 'em I'll part with them. 1.75 cans each. The power tastes better than the peppermint, I still wouldn't give either to my dog.
                            Speak up soon as I will toss them out. I may be cheap, but some things transcend cheapness.


                            • datadawg
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 23

                              Originally posted by TBD
                              I have both Elixyr Power and Peppermint. Both are horrid. If any of you like 'em I'll part with them. 1.75 cans each. The power tastes better than the peppermint, I still wouldn't give either to my dog.
                              Speak up soon as I will toss them out. I may be cheap, but some things transcend cheapness.
                              You are paying us the 1.75 each to take them off your hands right?



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