Looking for vanilla snus

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  • Chiliphil1
    • Sep 2013
    • 89

    Looking for vanilla snus

    Hey all, this is my first post, I've been lurking for about a week how and finally decided to join. I am a smoker who was handed a portion of camel wintergreen and decided right then that I didn't want to smoke anymore, so now I'm down from a pack a day to maybe 1 cigarette a day within a week!

    I bought and can of the camel wintergreen for myself and the started researching snus, why didn't I hear of this sooner? Anyway after reading about it I found that the camel stuff here in the us is a joke, so I found some places close to my house that sell general and so far I've tried original, white, and mint, I have a can of the green stuff but haven't opened it yet, I am so much happier with snus and I feel that I a week or two I can probably cut out that last cigarette and be a non smoker which would be awesome since I've smoked for about 15 years and have wanted to quit for at least the last decade.

    On topic though, I am planning on doing an online order soon most likely from my snus.com as northerner says they can't ship to my state? I am wanting to try a few different things, from what I've seen on here I'm gonna get some Ethan, rape#2, thunder frosted, and try some loose as well but I am really wanting some vanilla snus, I see that oden's has it but it's 22mg and I really don't want anything that strong, is there another brand which sells vanilla in normal strength? Or possibly a chocolate one?

    Any help appreciated
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Try Old Ving fudge for the chocolate. Also, while not specifically chocolate, Ettan and Grov hint at it. AFAIK, Odens is the only vanilla currently on the market. Catch gets flavors like that occasionally, but those are mini portions.


    • Snotgifff
      • Sep 2012
      • 517

      Odens has Vanilla White dry in regular strength. I just finished a can. Good stuff. I'm not sure who carries it though. I got it direct from GN.
      Much more vanilla flavor than the extreme offering.


      • Chiliphil1
        • Sep 2013
        • 89

        I think I found the mini portions on buysnus.com I believe it was also found one called mocca black, that says it has vanilla hints, anyone ever try it?


        • Sato
          • Dec 2009
          • 133

          I wouldn't wish the Mocca Midi on ANYONE. I may have just gotten some bad tins, but it was awful. Like a "salty garbage" taste. Still, it wouldn't hurt to throw in a can and see how you like it on your next order - BuySnus is a very good place to purchase from if you're in the US.

          Wish I had known about the Vanilla in regular strength - I just threw in 2 cans of the extreme in the BuySnus order I did.


          • Mill
            • Oct 2010
            • 198

            Welcome to the forum.

            The only vanilla I like - and only one that comes to mind - is Odens.

            If the goal is to quit smoking the stronger snus will make that happen faster.

            The boxes from Snuscentral and Buysnus are a good way to try a lot of different ones to figure out which work for you. Try as many as you can as you'll probably find a few flavors just work better than others.




            • brant
              • Jul 2010
              • 108

              also ... give a look at the trade/exchange thread ... i think i saw jagmanss and czechczar has some vanilla on there, and PP usually has different types of snus to try.


              but yes, offhand, the primary vanilla snus out there is Oden's, either white dry or extreme. i found neither to be very vanilla-y, but my taste buds are shot and i cannot be trusted on that


              • CzechCzar
                • Jun 2010
                • 1144

                I just got a ton of odens vanilla, and while it is delicious, it's not an all-day snus. I'd be happy to sell you some if you'd like


                • CzechCzar
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 1144

                  IMHO, it tastes very notably of vanilla. Less intense that the melon, but vanilla is still front and center.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    The aroma of Odens Vanilla is much much more Vanilla-ey than the taste. It's a great Vanilla aroma. I'd agree that it's not a staple all dayer.


                    • Chiliphil1
                      • Sep 2013
                      • 89

                      Originally posted by CzechCzar View Post
                      I just got a ton of odens vanilla, and while it is delicious, it's not an all-day snus. I'd be happy to sell you some if you'd like
                      Thanks for the offer, but I just ordered a lot of snus, though I didn't get any oden's, I figured it would be too strong and I didn't see the regular vanilla. I may take you up on this later, but for now I've got more than I need, but thank you.


                      • CzechCzar
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 1144

                        Not a problem!!


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