Lös limited flavours? apple, coffee ?

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  • PrisMaster
    • May 2007
    • 208

    I think some of the same flavors you did for the portion one would be great in los. I would also be interested in a mandarin and pomegranate flavored los. I am mainly just an original los guy, but I am always willing to try new snus, especially if they are in los form. I don't use portions enough to buy them anymore because I have about 15 portions tins just sitting in the freezer and I go through a tin of portions about once a month.

    I think its great you are asking the consumer about what to try. Big props V2. You guys rock


    • Scott674
      • Jul 2008
      • 26

      I think V2 shuold create a sampling of flavors and send them out to the snusers here at the forums for a testing! It could be a beta test?

      ...LOL XOBE!!!!! You're too funny...


      • v2
        • Oct 2007
        • 220

        Thanks for all the great ideas!

        Does any one make an poll of all flavour ideas?

        I will look into what is possible after wards...



        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          I created a Poll for V2 based on what others here posted.

          i used the most popular flavors mentioned

          And i realize the possibilities are endless on flavors so i tried to take into consideration what everyone posted.

          Please feel free to vote guys.

          Thanx again V2


          • fedora
            • Aug 2008
            • 251

            My picks:

            1) Clove
            2) Coffee (get your coffee and nicotine in 1 hit! - what an idea!)
            3) Chai (as in like a chai tea) -
            - clove
            - pepper

            Very cool to see a company make a survey like this.


            • jcarlson
              • Aug 2008
              • 82

              I am an ex-Skoal user, and I have to say, I am NOT a fan of the fruity flavors. Coffee sounds maybe interesting, but those are some crazy flavors you guys are mentioning.

              This could also be because I am American (1/2 Swede though - 2nd generation in the states), so my tastes are obviously going to be different.

              fedora though came up with one I would be really excited for, and I am surprised this flavor hasn't been made yet. I would LOVE a cardamom flavored one. I put it in my coffee every morning, and my dad loads up a rice pudding with it when he makes it.

              I would seriously get behind a cardamom flavor.


              • Toque Snuff
                • Aug 2008
                • 337

                Would anyone mind if I pinch some of these flavour ideas for Toque?


                • PrisMaster
                  • May 2007
                  • 208

                  I would absolutely love it if Toque took some of these ideas and made some new los snus. Please make more los flavors. I need something new to try. I always get really excited when I find something in los that I have not tried yet. So yes please take some of these ideas Toque. I guess as long as its ok with everyone else to lol.


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