Blue Ocean is a great and very underrated snus. It has a great and very unique flavor. It's hard to describe other than almost a burnt vanilla flavor with camphor to add a cooling sensation and a very mellow tobacco flavor with a mild salt balance.
It's one of those love/hate snuses, it seems - like the Indian snuses. But I definitely enjoy it.
Chadizzy why do all of those portions look so dark in your photos?
I didn't care for blue ocean and considered the roll i bought of it a waste. The blue portions are incredibly cool but other than that it wasnt to my liking. It has a cooling effect like mint but had a very salty dirty flavor to it. I didn't taste anything like vanilla in it though? It was more of a salt covered pile of dirt packaged in a cool portion. I definitely think its something you either love or hate. I have to say I hate.
I tried it quite a while ago and didn't even finish the can I had. Was just bland and flavorless to me. Dunno if that link is some re-formulated stuff or not.
Hi everyone! I managed to get my hands on a can Blue Ocean From AG Snus. pictures and the can says blue portion. I was kind og facinated by the cool blue...
Just tried Blue Ocean for the first time. Interesting combination of flavors. Nice balance between sweet and salty. A hint of peppermint, and perhaps...