General Onyx compared to General Sterk

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  • GenuineSpirit
    • Jun 2008
    • 225

    General Onyx compared to General Sterk

    I have tried Onyx, but have not tried Sterk.

    Post your thoughts on how they compare or differ.
  • bmwgsa
    • Jul 2008
    • 248


    I've tried the Onyx, and to me it's a nasty tasting snus - too salty and just didn't work for me.

    I like the sterk a lot better - milder taste with a nice kick.

    You might want to think about N&J West - has a nice kick and has a good taste to it.


    • Grim
      • Jun 2008
      • 850

      In my opinion, General Sterk is a very mild Sterk Flavor.

      I prefer Onyx.

      It has the General Flavor, but its mroe fo an undertone than a distinct flavor.

      Compared to Onyx, General Sterk has a very sweet flavor.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        I prefer the Sterk flavor.

        The Onyx portions are so soft, very nice in the lip.

        The flavor of Onyx is really spicy and the smell is unique and powerful. I guess it depends on my mood because the Sterk is a little more bland than a plain General white portion.
        Sometimes I want the Onyx, like with a nice hot cup of coffee. Other times I don't want that overpowering floral peppery mix, like with beer.

        I totally would recommend comparing for yourself. Of all the strong portions I actually prefer Skruf then N&J West then General Sterk before N&J and Onyx.

        The Onyx can is sorta fancy schmancy design. People have asked me what I'm doing with that "hockey puck" when I have it.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I can just handle a bunch more sterk than almost any other strong.

          I like West, but havn't had enough to really tell where it falls, but definitely similar to sterk in that it is on the mild side, in terms of flavor.

          Oynx. I love it, occasionally. In fact, I just had a can and I gobbled it up pretty fast. But such a distinctive flavor, a bit overwhelming too often.

          N&J, a long time favorite, Only one of a few that I order rolls. The flavor is so yummy, but at times, almost too strong. About 4 months ago, it started to overwhelm me. I laid off for a bit, and when I returned, it was back to just being yummy. But this last can I have had, that almost too strong feeling is returning. I may have to lay off again.

          Skruff Stark.- loved it the first few cans, then just too strong. Way too strong now, I can't even handle the regular skruff.

          I guess I am really just a mostly white guy now. i suspect for a while at least, my two strongs will just be sterk and west. With an occasional Oynx thrown in to mix it up. But even the Oynx is a white. Strongest damn white I ever had, but still technically, a white.


          • RobsanX
            • Aug 2008
            • 2030

            Oh wow, I just tried Onyx! It is like General on steroids! When I first popped it in I thought it was going to overpower me, but it mellowed out nicely. It is very rich and flavorful... It feels like it has twice as much flavor as any portion that I've had...

            Well, the flavor of General Sterk is about half that of General original which is half that of General Onyx... I'm not sure if Onyx is stock worthy, but it is definitely good as a treat...


            • airwoodstock
              Banned Users
              • Aug 2008
              • 340

              I started out not liking Sterk that much but, after a can of it, it has grown on me. I prefer the Onyx over it as a filler between Sterk portions. May just be me but, Since it's been about 3 months without a smoke, my body can't handle strong snus like it used to be able to! :shock: Still love the tastes of Sterk and N&J's West, just have to have them in moderation.


              • sentry103
                • Sep 2008
                • 271

                Onyx for the long lasting flavor and nic kick. Onyx for the silky smooth bag. I just ordered a roll too. Sterk has a rougher bag thats harsh on my lip and the weaker flavor doesn't last at all. The nic kick of sterk is as good as Onyx but (and maybe this is just me) the nic doesn't last as long.

                Everyone is different though so try each of them yourself maybe you'll like both.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  Me can't taste any tobacco flavor with ONYX just bergamot, lemon, and artificial pepper flavor. I kind of like it but it's out of balance IMO. My problem with General is I love the flavor but it's too understated and disappears too fast, ONYX is the opposite.


                  • scythespawn
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 103

                    sterk is probably the best. onyx is a bit rich and more powerfully flavored, although it's great. sterk(to me) seems to be the best overall for a daily snus. it has a perfectly rounded taste, it's cheaper than onyx and tastes alot like onyx also. it isn't nearly as rich. they both are great products though.


                    • Evn
                      New Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 3

                      General Sterk is definately the best!

                      I got sick of Onyx just after a can!

                      I can use General Sterk forever, without getting sick!

                      Love general sterk!


                      • reshumate
                        • May 2008
                        • 94

                        For me, Sterk tastes like nothing at all. Onyx tastes great for about 15-20 minutes, then nothing. I like Onyx, but at over $40 a roll it's hard for me to justify.


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