i found the button

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  • alopezg1
    • Jul 2013
    • 722

    i found the button

    I stopped smoking for two months and 1 week on the patches
    then started again..... now i want to kill myself . Is this normal?
  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    when you go on the patches you may get anxiety and/or depression because you are withdrawing from all the alkaloids in tobacco not just nicotine. Patches are useless IMO as are just nicotine only.

    get a joyetech electronic cigarette starter kit (around £40) and some WTA liquid from aroma juice AND/OR some Swedish Snus.


    • Darwin
      • Mar 2010
      • 1372

      The two-pronged approach gets my vote. A vaping/snusing combo reduces the cost of each individually and hugely increases overall non-smoking efficacy.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Ohhh....I thought you wanted help knowing how to post a new thread.........it seems I misunderstood

        I agree with both the above posts.........the patches have a 95% fail rate (there is a reason Tobacco and Big pharmaceuticals work together)

        Try snus, e-cig, and nasal snuff.............the combination of a couple of different approaches often keeps things a bit more fun and may actually help as you transition from cigarettes/patch.

        Snus and snuff are both natural (and thus free of the chemical processes used in patches). Plus you are getting the whole gambit of all the leaf offers without the carcinogens produced by fire.

        Grab a variety of types/flavors and try them out. If you don't like one at first.....stick in the freezer and revisit it in a few months........your taste will change

        Keep us posted on what you try/like
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • alopezg1
          • Jul 2013
          • 722

          Thanks guys... I know what to do. It's not so much the time on the patch that was making me suicidal
          although there were periods... it's more the constant relapsing and my pitiful amount of time off the actual cigarettes
          that is starting to make me feel that way. I feel doomed to be sucking on those nasty deathsticks for the rest of my life
          I was just venting some spleen . A cry for help if you will


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            Taking the title of this thread at face value............

            As a male I was lucky enough to find the "button" when I was very young. And I've been pleasing women with multiple orgasims ever since. Works for me.

            just sayin
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • Darwin
              • Mar 2010
              • 1372

              alopezg 1 have you actually tried snusing or vaping to help deal with these issues? If you have then we can help sort out your problems. If you haven't we can help you get started. We can help here, period.


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                Taking the title of this thread at face value............

                As a male I was lucky enough to find the "button" when I was very young. And I've been pleasing women with multiple orgasims ever since. Works for me.

                just sayin
                Your wallet has buttons on it?


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
                  T And I've been pleasing women with multiple organisms ever since. Works for me.

                  just sayin
                  Fixed your spelling


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    This is why love this forum. Where else can you go from quitting smoking and committing suicide to multiple orgasms in just a few posts?


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      yes i have tried both snusing and e-cigs
                      I actually tried an e-cig for the first time about three months ago and immediatley
                      stopped smoking.... I liked the e-cig and it worked but I didn't really feel comfortable inhaling
                      particulate matter into my lungs the long term effects of which are still undetermined. I became very
                      health conscious when i quit smoking , as i always do , which it thionk has to do for years of feeling
                      guilty for the systematic abuse i have inflicted on myself with cigarettes , or i'm just neurotic. I decided to
                      give snus a go and besides some initial bad reactions with my gut i caught on pretty quick and was soon enjoying the snus
                      ...... Anyway some things have changed in my life, i have travelled to the other side of the world , i am working inNew Zealand
                      presently and something i have been enetertaining for a long term has suddenly become very important to me. I have decided
                      that I would like to live as a buddhist monk; i have been a half serious practicing buddhist for some years on and off , but i found meditation
                      and practice to be invaluable when coming off cigarettes . I have decided to move to the next phase with all this and give monastic life
                      a go . Obviously if i am a monk there will be no snusing no vaping, so why not , i thought come off all of it now in preperation, so i got on the patch.
                      That was all well and good for just over two months, but due to over confidence i relapsed . I still want to ordain and live as a monk
                      so i will have to give everything up at some point, and I'm pretty confident i can do that , i want to do that, It's just i am now stuck on the other side
                      of the world and i have to earn money to get back and settle everything financially before i run away with the buddhist circus . I am back on the snus now
                      and feeling better , i was just at a very low point and i suppose was looking for some kind of support . What a weird story


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Very interesting life alopezg1 (it's a bitch typing your name). Keep us informed.... if they let you use the internet.


                        • Darwin
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1372

                          An unusual set of circumstances to say the least.


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            Have you read Thomas Merton?

                            If not check him out
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • Darwin
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 1372

                              I have heard of him, primarily through a doco on PBS a few years ago, but I have not read him outside of a few brief excerpts here and there.


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