Snus & Flying?

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    Snus & Flying?

    This sounds silly, but does anyone know if there are any rules or regulations that would forbid the use / possession of snus while flying?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    #2 a pilot or as a passenger? In both cases, I'd probably say no. I've always had my snus with me on passenger flights and as a pilot it'd be no different than chewing gum, I suppose. If anything it would keep you alert and aware.


    • Guest's Avatar

      As a passenger on a commercial airline. I was just wondering since snus is not sold elsewhere in the EU (legally at least) than Sweden...


      • Guest's Avatar

        It's only banned for sale, not for possesion and use so it's perfectly ok to have a tin in your carry-on and to happily snus away on the flight. You might run into trouble bringing 100 rolls with you, but a few for personal use is no problem


        • Guest's Avatar

          Though a bit strange. Snus is not for sale, yet snuff u can buy anywere!
          it is verry populair here in Holland right now.


          • TheCanuck
            • May 2006
            • 38

            I've never had any problem with taking the snus on the airplane, but I did have some trouble with my Icetool! One TSA agent took it out and looked at it for a long time, totally ignoring me while I tried to explain what it was for. Finally he just gave it back and let me go. It hasn't happened again.


            • Zero
              • May 2006
              • 1522

              ^ lol, I can just see the scene...those airport guys can be comically serious sometimes. I can imagine him staring at the thing and trying to imagine convoluted ways in which you might try to gain control of the aircraft with it, then finally giving up and not being able to sleep for the next three nights with icetools dancing in his dreams :lol:


              • nicotinedream
                • Oct 2006
                • 66

                Snus on airplanes...

                The TSA can take anything away from you that they desire to, during an inspection. However, I have had no problems taking pouches on board with me to date. I've been asked only once, to identify the product.


                • TBonehawk

                  On domestic flights within the US (took one last night), during the announcements that they recite during taxi they say "the use of all tobacco products is prohibited". I think they say this so that you don't have guys getting on the plane with a Gatorade bottle half-full of dip spit. That's not too pleasant - much less so if there's a mishap and that mess spills. I personally plan to stick to portion snus on flights, but if I used loose, I would go to the washroom to put in and take out my pris so I wouldn't attract too much attention. I think most flight attendants would not be concerned with the (to them minor) differences between snus, dip and chewing tobacco. Best to go low key, I say.



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