New [OLD] snuser - used to handroll cigs - long post UPDATE

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  • ---Nicotinic Acid---
    • Jul 2008
    • 134

    [quote="fedora"]Nicotinic - hey - thought I was the only one out there like me, trying the painful switch from high quality smoking tobacco to higher quality snus. Very rough. I might be stuck with both forms of use!!

    That American Spirit idea sounds a bit rough. Do I have to bake it or can I just dry it out and then grind it and moisten it?
    You can just air dry it or dry it under a bright light (halogen bulb works great), but you won't get that wonderful scent that toasting it imparts. You don't want to moisten it because it weakens the snuff and makes it sort of clot in your nose

    Can I use some other tobacco.
    Sure, but it should preferably be additive free; though I'm unaware of any tobacco being quite as strong as American Spirit. I wouldn't use any fire cured shag either. Windsail makes a good snuff, though I can't say I like smoking it.

    You can also flavor it (after toasting or air-drying) by placing it in a sealed container along with a paper towel moistened with some sort of extract - vanilla extract works great. Leave it in there for about 2 days and the tobacco will absorb the aroma. You may have to let it airdry a bit afterwards because it will absorb moisture from the extract. If its too moist it won't grind well.

    I use D&R Three Sails, my favorite. Also love Stokkebye's Amsterdam (awesome!).
    Stokkebye makes wonderful bulk pipe tobacco too, if you're interested in shifting towards other forms of tobacco use. Try the "Noughat"

    I'm not trying to force my conversion. Like sage said, eventually you'll find yourself enjoying snus more and more. I really like that the nicotine level is constant, rather than having to constantly light up a smoke.

    Be careful NEVER smoke an American Spirit after a snus ops:

    Need to know what snus does to someone with an empty stomach - anyone got any input on that? (I don't want to try - but thought I could ask and I am sure someone already has!)
    Any stimulant will work much more efficiently on an empty stomach. For two reasons: 1) your overall blood volume is lower and this makes you more sensitive to drugs. Eating makes you retain sodium and water which will increase blood volume and 2) your adrenaline levels are higher when you're in a fasted state. Adrenaline and nicotine are strongly synergistic.


    • fedora
      • Aug 2008
      • 251

      Nicotinic - thanks. I guess snusing on an empty stomach is like smoking on one. Jitters and immediate rush.

      Are your recommendations actually on how to make snuff - or snus?

      I could try - but I guess I'd prefer to buy some myself and try it with someone who's made it for 200 years or whatever. Tried it once and had a very hard time with the beaker! Sneezing, eyes watering and all that. We'll see if I get some from Toque or something.

      Otherwise - NEWS FLASH!

      I just got my loose today. Here are my comments and opinions and so forth (all just my opinion - you're free to have your own!) I am sure everyone learns this - but I am learning it too. And think I can share my experience with newbs - while you veterans laugh at me!!

      Probe Whiskey
      Roda Locket

      0) Snus loose is 50Grams or 45Grams - doesn't it make sense to get loose cost wise? Does to me. You get so much more than with portions. Portions are only 12-15 grams of actual tobacco. We'll see - my bet is that a can of loose lasts way longer than a portion can.

      1) Snus is POWDERED tobacco (at least the above are). I never understood that. It isn't dip, there aren't particles. I now know what mudmouth is.

      2) Loose tastes better than portions - or something about it. I now know what the "loose experience" is all about.

      3) Once in your upper lip - don't touch it!! At All. I didn't heed this advice - disaster (do your first trials over a sink!)

      4) A loose pris is NOT A PORTION! Don't mess with it once there.

      5) I suggest you start small - I tried the poormans icetool - for me it was a mess! Way too big. Broke into pieces the moment I started putting in my lip. I fear that I don't have the right size mouth for much loose.

      My longest time with one before disaster was 20 minutes - I hand baked something the size of a mini - maybe smaller and it worked OK.

      6) Loose seems to give more kick than portions (at least the portions I had).

      Now - based on my point 0 above - I am going to make a few homemade portions with some tea bags - for a cig handroller, this won't be too much an issue. Will report on progress on those.

      Thanks to everyone for the forum and keeping it up.


      • ---Nicotinic Acid---
        • Jul 2008
        • 134

        Originally posted by fedora
        Nicotinic - thanks. I guess snusing on an empty stomach is like smoking on one. Jitters and immediate rush.

        Are your recommendations actually on how to make snuff - or snus?
        I'm talking about making nasal snuff here.

        I could try - but I guess I'd prefer to buy some myself and try it with someone who's made it for 200 years or whatever. Tried it once and had a very hard time with the beaker! Sneezing, eyes watering and all that. We'll see if I get some from Toque or something.
        Do what you will, but with American Spirit tobacco you can make a snuff more powerful than anything you'll be able to order, and for less money. I think snuffing is more enjoyable when you make it yourself. You can flavor it however you want (more info @, and by tinkering with the amount of sodium bicarbonate you can adjust its strength to fit your preference.

        It's a wonderful way to enjoy tobacco

        Looking at your order, I don't think you really gave yourself the opportunity to discover the bliss that is Swedish Snus. Try some of these if you haven't all ready.

        Ettan Los
        Goatesburg Rape Los
        General Los/Portions
        Skruf Sterk


        • fedora
          • Aug 2008
          • 251

          Nicotinic - thanks.

          I did ask Toque for their sample - hope to get that soon. Will see if this is even for me.

          On my snus:
          Since Northerner just gave me about 25$ free worth of snus - I have
          LS, white and regular; general portions, regular and maxi and 1847. All good stuff.

          I have ordered and will get 6 other types to try. I have some of what you recommend, will get the rest next order.

          I'm lovin' the exploration!


          • cocsp2002
            • Jul 2008
            • 509

            fedora - congratulations on making the jump into the los experience! I'm a convert, the only time I use portions is when I know I'm going to be around anti-tobacco types (e.g. my parents, uh...just them) and I don't hang around anti-tobacco types when I'm at home (maybe I didn't mention I'm on vacation in MD visiting my parents for my daughter's first birthday). Yeah, I'm definitely a los convert. It's 100% better. Once you get the hang of making good, tight handbaked pris', you'll love it. I can even poke it back into place when it starts running astray. Stick with it, you'll find your style.


            • fedora
              • Aug 2008
              • 251

              Thanks everyone for all the support.

              Happily snusing - here are my general thoughts on brands (including the freebie from Northerner).

              1847 - very nice, slight burn, hint of bergamot. Coolest can. Will buy some of this myself. (portion).

              Lucky Strike Original - nice strong tobacco, mild "burn". I like this a lot. Also a cool can. Good tobacco.

              Lucky Strike white - similar to above - seemed to get very strong when it got enough saliva. Nice. Good strong tobacco.

              Mocca Pomegranite - ok - but sweet. NO MAJOR SALTINESS. I've seen some posts about "no salt" - this one has very little. Very little kick. But not sickly sweet or cloying.

              Ettan Portions - good old tobacco flavor. Nice and plain. Good kick. Slight burn.

              General portions - very nice. I really like the "pepper" in it. Strong nic. Mild burn.

              Nick and Johnny West - whites - BURN! Strong burn. Strong tobacco. Strong nic. A "wake up" tobacco. Will get more.

              I have a few more items coming in - hopefully tmrw - will give report on these when they arrive.

              Thanks for everything to everyone.

              Still working my los techniques - will find my style - I know I will.


              • toekuttr
                • Jul 2008
                • 197

                fedora says:
                I did ask Toque for their sample - hope to get that soon. Will see if this is even for me
                I just recently my sample from Toque and am pleasantly surprised, good stuff. I ended up ordering an assortment later that same day. I don't know if it's for everyone or not, but I generally like almost any form of good tobacco, especially 'new to me' ones. Great, another addiction!

