So you're saying Toque Snuff is a lot higher in nicotine than RYO tobacco and adding it to tobacco will give an extra shot of nicotine? Sounds appealing, does your free sample offer extend to the US too?
There’s no way we can condone smoking and actively campaign for smokers to switch to a much less harmful tobacco. Nasal snuff used in this way is no higher in nicotine than a cigarette, it’s just more instant; combine that with burning tobacco and you get an immediate rush of nicotine that gives a feeling of power and stimulation. Again I must stress that we disapprove of using Toque in this way, it is a nasal snuff and a very good, dramatically, less harmful tobacco alternative to smoking. What I’m saying is for information only, just as I would tell you that 10 cups of coffee straight will wake you up, no one in their right mind would drink 10 cups of coffee straight and no one should do this with snuff, but you now know why old Irish pipe and snuff users have a certain glint in their eye.
Toque - I understand. Was just a thought. I'm trying to move away from the cigs. Thought this might give some nice flavor to one - that was all. I wasn't looking for a nic hit really. (I could just smoke 3 in a row and I'd be set - or stick a 2x2 pris in my mouth.
Here's some chemical facts about nicotine.
This article is from, and is a very neutral source that not only talk about the negative...
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips...
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips to get her nicotine fix.
She's hoping to tempt millions of smokers to follow her lead.
Confronted with the inexorable decline of cigarette sales, Reynolds is transforming