New snus user - questions

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  • jcarlson
    • Aug 2008
    • 82

    New snus user - questions

    Hello all, I am new to the forum, and a new convert from dip to snus. I used Skoal for about 4 years, and when I heard about snus a month ago, I started reading up. Started with General brand, as that is the only kind they sell in the states (other than that candy garbage that Camel makes), and placed my first order online about a week ago. Have some questions for you guys, and I look forward to the answers.

    1)After placing a pris in, do you guys mush it a little so it flattens out? One, to cover more lip area, and two, so it doesn't look like you have a swollen lip. Or do you just put it in and let it sit there?

    2)This came up in a topic from v2 about what flavors people would like to see in los: Is there a brand that makes a cardamom flavor? If so, PLEASE let me know, cause I looooove cardamom.

    3)So far I really like these: Goteborgs Rape, General, and Skruf (all in los) and a couple of the portion flavors. I have noticed that quite a few people here really like the Ettan los, and I do not. If you like Ettan los, please let me know why. I find it way to mello, and the flavor is...well I don't know know...hard to describe, but I am not liking it too much. Just curious what others find appealing about it.

  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Welcome! Nick and Johnny East has cardamom in it... It's portions only though...


    • chainsnuser
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2007
      • 1388

      Re: New snus user - questions

      Originally posted by jcarlson
      1)After placing a pris in, do you guys mush it a little so it flattens out?
      Yes, if needed. I simply use my tongue for that purpose. Snus-use is a very personal thing. Just try and do whatever works for you.

      Originally posted by jcarlson
      If you like Ettan los, please let me know why. I find it way to mello, and the flavor is...well I don't know know...hard to describe, but I am not liking it too much. Just curious what others find appealing about it.
      It may take time to appreciate the subtle taste of Ettan. Ettan wasn't "love on first sight" for me neither. But now it gets me excited even before I put a pris in. Try it again after a while! As has been said on this forum a few times before, snus-tastes change over time ... and Ettan Lös is absolutely worth a second chance.



      • jcarlson
        • Aug 2008
        • 82

        Thank you for that RobsanX! I'll make sure to try some on my next order.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          jcarlson, I don't use Los but pleanty of people her who can answer your questions. But I at least wanted to say welcome.


          • holnrew
            • Jul 2008
            • 613

            I like to suck on my pris which can drag it down over my teeth, so I often use my finger or tongue to push it back up, and when I initially put it in I push it up into my gums, but if it's a drier los it's not advisable to do it until it's a bit moist as it can crumble.


            • jcarlson
              • Aug 2008
              • 82

              Thank you for the welcome!

              I do like the idea of portions, the problem is that the flavors are mostly out of my realm of enjoyment. I've only tried General and the Catch brands though. Licorice was just ok, and I haven't decided on Eucalyptus yet, but I'm leaning toward no so good. The Casis Menthol....I've only had one so far, so I haven't made up my mind, but the berry flavor doesn't sit well with me.

              I think this has a lot to do with my being an ex Skoal user. Its tainted my liking for the fruit flavors of tobacco. Most Skoal fruit types are just awful, including vanilla, and it seems that it has had an effect on what type of snus I like. I also received a free can of the Skruf Cranberry portions, which made me a little queasy just smelling it.

              I do on the other hand love the peppermint Catch portion. The Wintergreen General Large portion is also pretty good sometimes.

              My next order, which will be soon, will include Nick and Johnny East. Someone told me here that it has cardamom in it, and I absolutely love the spice. Mostly likely due to my Swedish heritage. My dad puts it in his freakin' AWESOME rice pudding and skorpa, and I put it in every cup of coffee. So I am hoping that I will like this one.

              So far I am liking General original los, Goteborgs Rape los, and Skruf Strong los.

              If anyone has any recommendations based on what I have said I like so far, they would be most welcome. Up for los or portion.

              I'm also looking to try Gotlandssnus Gråsnus. Grovsnus, and maybe Roda Lacket (all los).

              Oh, and I am NOT liking Ettan at all. Hardly any flavor for me, and for some reason do no like the smell of it out of the can.


              • cocsp2002
                • Jul 2008
                • 509

                As a former Skoal brother myself, I know what you mean when you say the fruit flavors are horrible...vanilla smelled like vomit to me. One flavored snus I've found I like, though, is Offroad Cranberry los. It's not overly sweet, has that nice salty, tobacco-y flavor and the closest thing I've thought of to compare the smell to is an unsweetened Kool-Aid packet. Personally, I prefer the unflavored snus the most, but the Offroad Cran is a nice change of pace every now and again. Makes me want to try other Offroad los (I've heard the portions are horrible.). Also, I noticed Offroad is ground a bit more coarse than General, and it's not quite as easy to bake, but it holds together much better.


                • jcarlson
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 82

                  Ummm....I'm gonna stay away from the cranberry. I got a free can with my online order of Skruf portion that was cranberry flavored. Gave me a headache and tasted awful. Smelled terrible too.

                  I am sooooo with you on the Skoal god that is terrible. Peach and apple are just behind it in the crap department. BUT, that doesn't matter anymore, as I am a pure snus guy now. Haven't looked back.


                  • cocsp2002
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 509

                    I agree. Snus all the way, it's worlds better. If it helps, I just opened a can of Phantom classic los, and it's pretty good. I don't know if you can take my opinions that seriously though, I haven't met a los yet I don't like. I'm not too fond of Jakobssen's Icefruit portions, but then again...they're portions. So it's all relative, I guess.


                    • holnrew
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 613

                      RE: Ettan I was underwhelmed at first, but it's the quickest I've ever used up a can. I finished it today and I'm missing it.


                      • RobME
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 387

                        Originally posted by cocsp2002
                        ... but the Offroad Cran is a nice change of pace every now and again.
                        Offroad Cran is good, Offroad Strong Cran is better.


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