First of all earlier this week a guy in front of me at the gas station was buying camel snus and I suggested that he pick up the General instead. He not only had no idea about swedish snus at all but wasn't even willing to try it. Then today I was working, I'm a pizza delivery driver. In the instructions, a guy put for me to pick up a can of Camel frost. I don't normally do this but I saw it as a good opportunity to convert somebody, these 2 instances were the only times I've ever even tried because it seemed appropriate at the time. I picked up the Camel but I also happened to have an unopened can of Thunder Frosted on me. This guy gave me a $10 tip so I gave him the Thunder as well as the Camel. He also had no idea that real snus existed and seemed skeptical to try it. This just kind of blows my mind for some reason.
Can't seem to convert even Camel snus users...
I have had mostly the same reactions, but I have had a few who now use it, so i keep trying as even if I only convice one, I have helped someone. I have given away SO many cans to people to try to see if they like it. 90% don't try it, or say they don't like it, but its still worth it for the other 10%.
A couple of things I make sure to mention when i bring it up is that Sweden has been using the product for over 200 years, with no evidence of cancer, and that all ingredients are food grade because its a gov't regulated product. That at least raises some eyebrows.
I think the main problem is getting people to adjust to snus. The biggest problem is people associating snus with ''dip''. The other problem is, I think a lot of people get put off by the drip/saltiness of snus because they haven't acclimated to it. Even among people willing to try it; how many threads have we had around here with people asking/complaining about the drip/saltiness of snus? I'm not insulting those who are new to it; in fact quite the opposite. I like it when people come on here and ask about the drip/saltiness because it gives us a chance to explain to them that it's something they will get used to; or allow us the chance to point them in the right direction (white portions, etc).
It's all about educating the consumer. I still run into people and retailers that have NO idea what Swedish snus is, how to use it and how using it can benefit them. I'm not only talking about consumers, but also tobacco retailers. I've been preaching Swedish snus for years now, selling it to retailers and then doing events at their shops to teach their buyers about snus and how to use it. It's working, slowly, but working nonetheless.
Swedish snus in the US is still a very small market (relatively speaking) compared to other tobacco products. It won't grow until convenience stores are successful with it, and convenience stores won't take it unless there is a real demand for it. The demand is built by tobacconists and tobacco outlets across the US, and it's these same retailers that will help educate the consumer and ultimately push demand.
Sites like this, the consumer level, which is also needed. A consumer that does find out about snus or is exposed to the product somehow will investigate and do his homework online. We need to be vigilant and continue to answer their questions and remember that we were once that newbie :-)
Originally posted by rickcharles606 View PostIt's all about educating the consumer. I still run into people and retailers that have NO idea what Swedish snus is, how to use it and how using it can benefit them. I'm not only talking about consumers, but also tobacco retailers. I've been preaching Swedish snus for years now, selling it to retailers and then doing events at their shops to teach their buyers about snus and how to use it. It's working, slowly, but working nonetheless.
Swedish snus in the US is still a very small market (relatively speaking) compared to other tobacco products. It won't grow until convenience stores are successful with it, and convenience stores won't take it unless there is a real demand for it. The demand is built by tobacconists and tobacco outlets across the US, and it's these same retailers that will help educate the consumer and ultimately push demand.
Sites like this, the consumer level, which is also needed. A consumer that does find out about snus or is exposed to the product somehow will investigate and do his homework online. We need to be vigilant and continue to answer their questions and remember that we were once that newbie :-)
I gave Swedish Snus a very decent $700 go at it. I found Snus after I returned to Dip being away for thirty three years from all tobacco.
I loved Snus from day one. It not only did what it was "supposed" to do but it tasted real good too. I was into Swedish Snus!
After around five months I realized (personally: and this is not mean't as a factual judgement on Snus) that the reason I returned to my love affair with tobacco was not working for me with Snus.
I didn't want a substitute for tobacco with Snus as many people do and should look to find. Snus is defenitely the best way to get away from smoking cigarettes and tobacco as a whole.
But my reason for going "back" was missing with Snus. Dip works for me.
And most of all I have returned to an old love....cigars. Cigarettes will forever remain in my rearview mirror.
My reason for going back to any of it? I was looking at the clock.
Originally posted by DanF View PostI gave Swedish Snus a very decent $700 go at it. I found Snus after I returned to Dip being away for thirty three years from all tobacco.
I loved Snus from day one. It not only did what it was "supposed" to do but it tasted real good too. I was into Swedish Snus!
After around five months I realized (personally: and this is not mean't as a factual judgement on Snus) that the reason I returned to my love affair with tobacco was not working for me with Snus.
I didn't want a substitute for tobacco with Snus as many people do and should look to find. Snus is defenitely the best way to get away from smoking cigarettes and tobacco as a whole.
But my reason for going "back" was missing with Snus. Dip works for me.
And most of all I have returned to an old love....cigars. Cigarettes will forever remain in my rearview mirror.
My reason for going back to any of it? I was looking at the clock.
It's hard for a company to get the word out and advertise in the US, where government stigma and regulations make people think that you'll get cancer from even hearing the word 'tobacco'. I first heard of snus from some people at a bar in a Scandinavian neighborhood in Chicago, years ago. I have seen some General ads lately, on the Internet. With that, and guys like Rick marketing, maybe they're making some progress. The flavors, and not having to spit sold me.
I really like snus but I would definitley not say it has made stopping smokingas easy as falling
off a log. im at 2 months now without a cigarette and still finding it a real struggle , probably easier
than using a patch but not by much , for me anyway. there is the added factor ofntaking pleasure from
the snus and the different blends and so forthsomething you just dont get with nrt
, but I am still left with an enormous cigarrette shaped hole in my life which I suppose I just have to accept
snus isnt going to fill
Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
What is it about dip that "does it for you", that snus doesn't provide? Just wondering?
Because everyone's experience with tobacco is different there probably is no way to explain why I do not find the same results with Snus as I do with Dip.
Dip and cigars take me back to a time in my life when I first tasted tobacco. For most people that first experience was a mostly "hate" experience. They just kept it up because they thought it was "cool" or their friends were doing it.
But for me (when I was around nine) that first taste was heaven. That is a bad thing. But that was my memory of tobacco.
Years later I quit it all: but never forgot that time. Heroin addicts who quit are destined to go to their grave never forgetting what it did for them. It never ends.
When I returned to my old love (for reasons mentioned) I wanted Snus to work. It does not work for someone like me. Snus will and can never replace that 1949 first taste of a Camel.
Dip does, and mostly a good cigar, too.
For anyone else reading this......what can I say?
Never give tobacco a try in the first place. Ninety nine times out of a hundred you won't like it. Which is good.
But I am one of those out of a hundred people who never got over it.
according to my calculations from the info in your post Dan. I think you must be the oldest member of snuson. Congratulations mate.
I feel a bit better now. There are a few of us that are old but ....dam.....none that I know of that are THAT old.
again, congrats. But this time for making it in this messed up world for so long. Keep it up.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
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