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  • alopezg1
    • Jul 2013
    • 722


    I am writing this after reading the thread on trying to convert camel snus users

    as it goes I have nearly 9 weeks under my belt without a cigarette . I ak still finding it a monumental
    struggle however most days. dknt get me wrong I enjoy snus and it helps , but I am struggling .
    I get cravings from time to time , but the main challenge , as always on one of the manybattempts I
    have made to stop smoking , is juwt a huge feeling of emptiness and depression, a feeling completely at odds
    with everything. I think a lot of it kay be to do with actually being terrified of startjng smoking again, if thaf makes sense, I know ifk go on smoking irs going to kill me, and I know that whenever I have relapsed in the past after abstinence I have only wanted to stop again almost immediately. I am stuck in a really exhausting cycle
    and I am starting to feelthere is no wag out . snus is the last in a long lije of methods I have tried and failed to use effectively , each time I only manage aboht 9 or 10 weeks then I cave in. If any of you have skmilar stories i think it may help to hear them. I dknt know what I need to do to break this addiction
  • dman21
    • Jul 2012
    • 1141

    Listen, man. I know what you're going through. I too have relapsed on smoking from time to time. Quitting smoking, no matter how you slice it, won't happen overnight. Baby steps, that's all you can take. For the time being, I decided, if I want to smoke, I will. However, smokeless usually wins for me. I'm not too far off from once again quitting. One thing I may suggest that may be of help, as this has helped me.. you may want to consider switching up snus with an e cig and/or some nasal snuff like I have. I have found that this helps immensely.


    • Burnsey
      • Jan 2013
      • 2572

      You might consider stronger snus, it helped my get a bit more comfortable.


      • rickcharles606
        • Mar 2009
        • 2307

        Many of us, if not all, have been exactly where you are brother. How much did you smoke everyday, just out of curiosity? The reason I ask, is that Burnsey might be right, you may not be using a strong enough snus to satisfy your nicotine craving. Smoking cigs is a two pronged addiction, you have the nicotine addiction and then the psychological side of the addiction. You have to meet the needs of the physical addiction to nicotine before you can tackle the mental side.

        For me, I used the strongest snus possible when I first began so that I KNEW I was getting enough nicotine. Once I realized that this snus thing could supply my body with enough nic to satisfy my cravings, it was easy for me to just replace each and every cigarette with snus. I'd use snus in EXACTLY every situation that I'd normally smoke a cigarette, so that I could build that same association with snus as I had with cigs. So, first thing in the morning, with my coffee....on the drive to work, snus....on any breaks, snus....during stressful times, snus....after eating, snus. It took about a good two months before it was second nature for me. THat's just how I did it, but I'm sure there are other ways. Many people say that you should snus and smoke at the same time and that eventually, the snus will just "take over". Either way, it's a win...just stick with it.

        Hang in there dude...the key is to keep going.


        • Zubenelgenubi
          • Feb 2013
          • 105

          Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
          I'd use snus in EXACTLY every situation that I'd normally smoke a cigarette, so that I could build that same association with snus as I had with cigs. So, first thing in the morning, with my coffee....on the drive to work, snus....on any breaks, snus....during stressful times, snus....after eating, snus. It took about a good two months before it was second nature for me. THat's just how I did it, but I'm sure there are other ways. Many people say that you should snus and smoke at the same time and that eventually, the snus will just "take over". Either way, it's a win...just stick with it.

          Hang in there dude...the key is to keep going.
          That´s how I could gave up smoking, I used snus in every situation I would have smoked a cogarette. During the Christmas eve´s dinner I bought a good cigar just to celebrate I was 1 year without a cigarette, I started to smoke the cigar but I couldn´t finish, I changed it for a snus portion and I felt muuuuuch better with snus than smoking!!! I have a lot to thanks to snus!


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
            Many people say that you should snus and smoke at the same time and that eventually, the snus will just "take over". Either way, it's a win...just stick with it.
            That's what I did. I had no intention of quitting cigs when I got into snus. It got to the point I was smoking so little, I didn't see much point in smoking at all. I was smoking cause I was used to smoking, and not because I wanted to. The hardest was my morning cigarette. I beat that by keeping my tobacco in my car. I'd have to wait until I was going to work before I had a cigarette, and I did, but it wasn't the same, so I quit my morning cigarette... Mostly :^D

            Someone here gave me gift of rolling tobacco a few years ago. I still have some, and still smoke it occasionally. In my smoking days it would have last two weeks, but I've had it going on five years now. I'm ok with that.

            Point is, you don't have to quit right away. You've smoked this long, so another year isn't gonna hurt. Just make sure you're smoking cause you really want a cigarette, not because it' a habitual action.. Savor that cigarette, and reflect on what it is you like about it. You may find it's nothing in most cases. Five cigarettes per day is better than twenty, and quitting five is easier than quitting twenty. Get in a new routine, then break it when you're really motivated to. Life's too short to stress little stuff.


            • DanF
              • Nov 2013
              • 260

              When I first quit, I didn't substitute Snus or Dip. (that was back before there even was Snus in the USA: I think)

              My memories of quitting were nothing but a total nightmare. And the worse part was actually dreaming at night while asleep that I actually still was smoking. Those dreams lasted maybe five years.

              And keep in mind that was back in a time when cigarette advertising was everywhere you looked. The ads were like a cold glass of water to a guy dying in the desert. A total nightmare.

              I lasted for 33 years without tobacco.

              I'm back to Dip and Cigars.

              The dreams are gone.

              Last edited by DanF; 10-01-14, 01:41 PM.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Originally posted by DanF View Post

                I'm back to Dip and Cigars.

                The dreams are gone.

                When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
                Out of the corner of my eye
                I turned to look but it was gone
                I cannot put my finger on it now
                The child is grown the dream is gone

                I have become comfortably numb


                • DanF
                  • Nov 2013
                  • 260

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post

                  When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
                  Out of the corner of my eye
                  I turned to look but it was gone
                  I cannot put my finger on it now
                  The child is grown the dream is gone

                  I have become comfortably numb

                  I like that, lxskllr.

                  Made my day.



                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                    When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
                    Out of the corner of my eye
                    I turned to look but it was gone
                    I cannot put my finger on it now
                    The child is grown the dream is gone

                    I have become comfortably numb
                    EPIC song and band


                    • DanF
                      • Nov 2013
                      • 260

                      Originally posted by rickcharles606 View Post
                      EPIC song and band
                      1. Seems I'm not too good on poetry and songs.
                      2. I just want to believe that lxskllr comes up with this stuff on his own.



                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by DanF View Post
                        1. Seems I'm not too good on poetry and songs.
                        2. I just want to believe that lxskllr comes up with this stuff on his own.

                        Dude, I totally did. I've been getting ripped off my whole life, and everyone else is getting rich off my ideas.



                        • DanF
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 260

                          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post

                          Dude, I totally did. I've been getting ripped off my whole life, and everyone else is getting rich off my ideas.

                          Another thing about me.

                          I've never been too bothered by "plagiarism".

                          Because the person who plagiarizes another's words has at least the knowledge to remember those words or "quotations" at the exact time needed.

                          I also love movies. Even though I know they aren't real.

                          And I never wanted to see Paul Harvey's real face (you gotta be kinda old to know what I mean).

                          And I don't mind (for a second) believing that what made me happy for the moment is "real" coming from the person who made me happy at the time.



                          • trebli
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 797

                            Did you ever hear Paul Harvey's "Two Killed at the Friendly Tavern"?


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9758


                              I found a lot of his good videos on youtube
                              Last edited by Premium Parrots; 10-01-14, 10:51 PM.
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.

