I can't believe nobody mentioned the BEST snus ever made:
N I C K & J O H N N Y E A S T / W E S T
Ummm - is that because it wasn't the best snus ever made???? I found it ordinary, dry, and weird. East was not a classic ... you don't see people lamenting it's demise that often the same way you see Gellivare and Gotlands Gul and Claq Qui. West was exactly the same as the current N&J white in a different shaped can.
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
Ummm - is that because it wasn't the best snus ever made???? I found it ordinary, dry, and weird. East was not a classic ... you don't see people lamenting it's demise that often the same way you see Gellivare and Gotlands Gul and Claq Qui. West was exactly the same as the current N&J white in a different shaped can.
I agree. I thought the West was unremarkable in pretty much every way, though the coffin cans were a neat novelty. I rather liked the East, but the flavor died quick, and it was a white portion. I don't lament its loss, but I thought the East was a good snus.
What Phillip Morris snus was that, 1847? I think that was it, Phillip Morris 1847 but I only miss the one in the metal can, that can was cool. The snus was good, but not great, IMO
Why did they discontinue Claq Qui, anyway? I've never tried it but, all that I've ever seen here and on other sites, is praise for it, and people lamenting it's end. Sounds like it was popular. Is there any stuff that comes close in flavor?
Why did they discontinue Claq Qui, anyway? I've never tried it but, all that I've ever seen here and on other sites, is praise for it, and people lamenting it's end. Sounds like it was popular. Is there any stuff that comes close in flavor?
I believe it was one that Swedish Match made for the Norwegian market, and I don't think it ever "took off" there...but many of us loved it. To me, it tasted like a stronger Roda Lacket, and I miss it sorely, lol
I believe it was one that Swedish Match made for the Norwegian market, and I don't think it ever "took off" there...but many of us loved it. To me, it tasted like a stronger Roda Lacket, and I miss it sorely, lol
Thanks. I use Röda portions, anyway. Sometimes double, so, maybe it's close.
So why would they discontinue claq qui when it atleast has north american sales while something like blue ocean is pretty much shunned by everybody but still exists?