My first conversion!!

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  • CzechCzar
    • Jun 2010
    • 1144

    My first conversion!!

    So, as I was parking the car about a month ago, I noticed a man smoking a cigar outside in the rain and cold. Feeling sympathetic, I introduced myself, gave him the one minute spiel about snus, and gave him the last of my can of ettan vit - only five portions or so.

    Whom should I see but the same gentleman tonight - raining, cold, relegated to the frigid outdoors to enjoy a cigar as I parked my car! He came up to me, very excited, and told me happily that the snus was "the best dip he had ever tasted!". He just went on and on. I got his email address, and plan to send him some information. Anyone have any good beginners articles or videos? I must say I am quite excited!

    So, anyone have any good sources?
  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    I've seen it here before but im sure a quick google search could get you some results for differences between dip and snus and then a condensed version of the studies on its health effects


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9758

      That's great mate.

      I hear there is a website that has a ton of info about snus.

      If I could only remember the name of the forum.........
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • CzechCzar
        • Jun 2010
        • 1144

        *Crickets chirping*

        Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
        That's great mate.

        I hear there is a website that has a ton of info about snus.

        If I could only remember the name of the forum.........


        • CzechCzar
          • Jun 2010
          • 1144

          The email:

          How fortunate to encounter you again! I am always looking to educate people about snus - tobacco doesn't have to be a guilty pleasure.

          So, allow me to list some resources. is a snus forum, and definitely a great starting place. The members are very helpful. Here and here are good articles about why snus is so much safer than other forms of tobacco - in short, it has TSNAs about equivalent to a cup of coffee. Here and here are some helpful guides about snus from people used to dip. Finally, here and here is a great all around introduction before you take the plunge.

          So basically, there are all different types of flavors and strengths, and two types: los snus (loose) and portion snus (in a tea bag). Start with portions, because los snus is difficult without a snus "baking" tool. You'll get there.

          Snus is Swedish, and Swedes love their herbs. Most snus (like the General brand) have an herbey taste, usually of Bergamot. I've been using snus for awhile, and still dislike it. Seeing as you're coming off of cigars, you'll probably want to go with a pure tobacco flavored snus. I highly recommend Ettan and Grovsnus. After you figure out a baseline of what tastes good, you'll branch out. No snuser seems to be a one-snus man - we like to rotate! Lastly, you'll have to decide whether you want an original or white portion. I like white portions, they're what I gave you, but they're both good. The difference is that original portions are sprayed with tobacco juice so the flavor is immediate, while white portions are not, and the flavor is gradual.

          Best stores: and and Shipping is expensive, because it's coming from Sweden so buy a lot. Deals are frequent, so definitely subscribe to their newsletters. If you don't like something put it back in the fridge, as your tastes will change. Buy a mix, as you never know what you will like.

          Unlike dip, you put snus under your upper lip, and you don't have to spit.

          FINALLY, if you like, send me your mailing address, and I'll send you some snus you might enjoy.


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            Good for you CzechCzar. I have one convert which is my father. After god knows how many years he decided to quit smoking (again.) He has had very successful runs before, usually averaging around 6 months before he would just fall back into it. Somehow he knew I had switched from regular dip to something else and called me back in probably October to ask more about it and to ask if it was "snuss." Apparently he was taking a different approach to quitting this time and had done some research. It took a few hours on buysnus over the phone helping him select an order but he is a big convert now and is even down to about 5-8 portions a day compared to the probably pack a day he was smoking.

            Other than that I haven't attempted to convert many people. I know how they will react. I offered it to some smoking co-workers when the temp around here was getting to be -40 but they all decided they would rather smoke and that's fine. I've also used snus for a stressed out girlfriend, we will be moving in together in May after she graduates and she is worried about getting a job and pulling her own weight. Sometimes after an interview she really just needs a tiny tiny tiny pris of roda lacket and a beer and it's like the whole weight of the world is lifted off her shoulders.


            • Burnsey
              • Jan 2013
              • 2572

              Congrats CC.....I have had no luck with my two priority possible converts....yet...


              • WickedKitchen
                • Nov 2009
                • 2528

                I got my third now.

                He just ordered 40 cans from *******.com.

                Next step is getting him to be a contributing member here. Alas he is my brother.

