Camel and Marlboro Snus....

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Camel and Marlboro Snus....

    are our friends.

    I mean i despise them, but honestly, it is doing much good bringing people to this forum who love to share their veiws on snus.

    Too many posts are people flaming others who like camel and telling them to buck up and try the real thing.

    Your tastes are your own so please express your views in a non intrusive way.

    I would think the fact America is persuing snus will help lift the ban in europe or at least put more pressure on it.

    American Government is cracking down hard on smoking and where and where you can not do it. Snus is A MUCH SAFER method, and i see no harm in a harm reduction policy.

    These brands are also good because if they start to build a huge base over here who knows, maybe we could have a Swedish Match American branch and we will no longer have to wait impatiently by the mail box for 5 days waiting on our goods.

    Snus is unique in the sense that it is an oral tobacco product that is bringing people together to help cure their vices.

    People are quiting smoking or at least cutting back while others are just enjoying all that goes along with the snus experience.

    This is honestly the only forum that ive been to that actually is full of very helpful and soundly educated people of various ethnicities and backgrounds.

    Remember, you come here because you love snus and you enjoy the experience, please dont ruin someone elses just because you disagree.

    Camel is an AMERICAN variant on snus. So is marlboro and a few others. If someone likes it, let them. They may describe what you hate so much so good that youll revisit it and find a much deeper appreciation for it.

    Thanks to everyone again for making this such a wonderful place to conversate and tell stories.

    Night all.
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    It's true that many of us were introduced to snus by the Camel stuff but I wonder how many others gave it a try and went right back to cigarettes. Poor souls who are not forum trolls like us and didn't search the 'intertubes' to find out what snus are about. Truth be told I do think Camel is doing better than Marlboro is, apparently there are about 4mg of nic in a Camel portion. I remember reading that Marlboro is very low in nicotine and also has a very low PH making for difficult nicotine absorption. Hey there's still hope for Klondike though.


    • Snusophile
      • May 2008
      • 531

      Now, let's hope it doesn't catch on too quick. Sure, it's nice showing everyone the great benefits on snus, but before long our little obscure source of pleasure becomes mass marketed, and god forbid, butchered by the US tobacco companies. The government takes wind of it, and starts to tax the hell out of it.

      Personally, I like the underground feel that snus carries. Once everyone starts doing it, it's no longer unique, and I would probably end up quitting if that ever happened.


      • airwoodstock
        Banned Users
        • Aug 2008
        • 340

        Originally posted by Snusophile
        Personally, I like the underground feel that snus carries. Once everyone starts doing it, it's no longer unique, and I would probably end up quitting if that ever happened.
        Agreed. Like I posted in another thread, I have learned just about everything I know about snus from the great people here. learned the basics from the net searches but, the heart and soul, how to's, suggestions on what to order and the like from here.

        The first time I visited this site was 2 days after finding Camel SNUS. I actually went thru a tin while I was reading posts. Even though there was some bashing of Camel, I didn't leave or feel like a loser (couldn't find a better way of saying it) because I liked Camel when so many here did not. What I did learn was that there was more to snus than just Camel. IMHO, no matter how eloquently you express your dislike of something, there will be some that feel bad because they like it.

        And that's what keeps bringing me back here. I see honest opinions and feelings about a particular snus. Not like other forums where the posters are attacking each other because they like what the majority doesn't like.

        Sorry about the long-windedness but, I wanted to let y'all know how I feel.



        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          To be honest i was always hoping to find a snus i loved that others hated.

          But then again it would probably be

          I agree that too much unwanted attention is a bad thing. And its a sad world we live in world idiocracy instead of democracy runs this country most of the time.

          Its the old saying where a polotician is all for what you want then he achieves office/power and its all about his own person vendetta.

          Real democracy is a beautiful thing but i feel that it is unreachable.

          I just wished rationalism and good decision making would be more apparent these days but alas its all about extremists who want all or nothing.

          I was just creating apost so that not all people who join are scared or reluctant to say they actually love camel or marlboro snus.


          • auggie
            • Jul 2008
            • 84

            I'm sure you guys are being sarcastic, or tongue-in-cheek, right? If Amerians embraced snus on a massive scale, the tobacco-related healthcare drain would almost disappear... this is infinitely more worthwhile than us to have our little secret clubhouse, hehe.

            That being said - define "snus."

            Is it just moist tobacco? Is it moist tobacco that's been pasteurized? Is it moist tobacco that's been pasteurized and comes from Sweden? Does it have to include a certain about of water? Or salt?

            Since 99% of Americans have no clue about snus, and since the anti-smoking/anti-tobacco lobby is eventually going to kick the shit out of cigarette smokers, P.Morris and RJ Reynolds see the writing on the wall and realize:

            1.) they need to broaden their product offerings (more oral tobacco, etc)

            2.) if they get a head start before the pressure is REALLY on to tax and restrict cigarette smokers to death (pun intended) they can head off the Swedish competition and preserve their large market share.

            So, I guess I think American tobacco doesn't really want to make snus, or good snus (afterall, P.Morris could sell that delicious 1847 in test markets here in the States, but are they doing that with their "real" snus? hell no...) and they are just hedging their financial interests.

            I'm glad that I was able to try "snus" after these companies started making them, who knows how long it would be before I found out about snus otherwise, but come on - it's INSULTING that these tobacco companies think that American consumers need a "Flavor Strip" in their damned snus portions...

            Let me conclude by saying that, hell, I'm all for people gobbling up the Camel and Marlborough snuses. Keep it popular. Get more people snusing instead of smoking. If you like it, that's fan-farkin-tastic, I'm sincerely happy for you.

            But realize that most people here do not enjoy anything other than the very sporadic use of them because, well, you've been reading the forums and you know what most people say is wrong with them. These opinions are often stated, but I'm not sure I've ever heard anybody belittle anybody else in all of my reading here on these forums, so I'm unsure as to why this topic came up about "being respectful to others who say they enjoy US snus."

            The only making fun of people that I do that is related to snus is to make fun of one of my friends who recently started snusing and only likes the Mocca mini portions... what a pansey.


            • fedora
              • Aug 2008
              • 251

              I read all these and I think all the opinions are correct. In other words, Grim is right and so are the other ones. Everyone has a point here on this argument. I tried it, don't like it, but gave my opinion of it as I saw it - in other words, very, very sweet.

              Too sweet FOR ME. But someone else may like that sweetness, and not knowing what camel snus is, read that it is sweet; that's what they want, so they buy it.

              I think anyone who reads this forum will get differing opinions and then can make their own mind up.

              And if they can't make their mind up, they can always try it themselves - that's part of the fun, too.

              I do think Grim has a point though - broaden the american market and get snus into the US - then I can get my General at a 7/11. (we really dont need the taxes though).


              • Grim
                • Jun 2008
                • 850


                I dont see how you find that American tobacco companies introducing their products are insulting.

                It should actually be a compliment to the swedes. Sure they are of different quality and marketed for different people.

                This isnt a topic about "respect US snusers" its a topic about respecting others opinions if they like certain less desirable snuses.

                I find it to be a pain in the ass to have to wait 5 days or longer for a tobacco product. Sure i keep enough on hand but if i want something i hate having to wait 5 days for it to get here and who knows how long it sits sweltering in the summer heat in a mail cart?

                The fact that the US has introduced the populous to snus is great. And i would say that actually alot more people know about snus thanks to camel and marlboro mailing out free coupons and so on than you think.

                They just dont post on here because they dont know about swedish snus or at least dont feel obligated to post about it.

                Think about how many guests come here to read what we think and then order and are satisfied.

                They arent bloggers/forum posters, they have no desire to talk to us or let us know what they think.

                If all those who visited here and never posted were actually calculated who knows how many users would be here.

                Snus is more known in the US than you think.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  I totally agree Mr. Grim, I don't find it insulting how the products are being introduced and marketed. When something gets bastardized or reinterpreted sometimes a great new product is made. I like knowing that if I run out of snus I can run to the gas station for an alternative instead of having to resort to something else.


                  • bmwgsa
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 248

                    I try and not complain about at least the Camel snus (never tried the Marlboro) - I love the irony that an RJR product help me stop an RJR product.... (30 year smoker, and a lot of those years on Camel Lights)...

                    And, if it weren't for the Camel snus - I would never have discovered Swedish, snuson, etc...

                    So for that, Thank you RJR

                    But, I do have a fear that the anti-tobacco nazi's are going to start paying attention, and if they pull their usual 1/2 informed crap and get the government involved - we'll be taxed from here to hell until we have to move onto something else.

                    I hope they stay stupid for a LONG time.......


                    • Dead Rabbit
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 315

                      Originally posted by bmwgsa
                      I try and not complain about at least the Camel snus (never tried the Marlboro) - I love the irony that an RJR product help me stop an RJR product.... (30 year smoker, and a lot of those years on Camel Lights)...

                      And, if it weren't for the Camel snus - I would never have discovered Swedish, snuson, etc...

                      So for that, Thank you RJR

                      But, I do have a fear that the anti-tobacco nazi's are going to start paying attention, and if they pull their usual 1/2 informed crap and get the government involved - we'll be taxed from here to hell until we have to move onto something else.

                      I hope they stay stupid for a LONG time.......



                      • Grim
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 850

                        I think its funny how you guys keep getting worried about it being taxed.

                        American Snuff is taxed and costs from around .99 to 4.50 a can.

                        I know swedish snus is made to higher specs but it wouldnt cost that much more here.

                        Sure stuff like General would run around 4-5 bucks but thats what tobacco prices here are.

                        I can get enough change out of the couch cushins to cover that.

                        Im suprised you guys think that we will be taxed to like 10 bucks a can.

                        I never understood the whole lets keep it on the DL and hope it wont be taxed because good god it would be so expensive.

                        Sure, it would be if they taxed us on top of shipping costs, thats why we need a market here in america. I want to to a gas station store and be able to say , " Let me get 20 in gas and a can of Ettan Loose please."

                        I mean is that so bad. No, i think too many people over estimate the reperscusions of having snus over here.

                        If such a market existed im sure Swedish Match would eventually open an office here if growth warranted it, i dont think they have one here in america, and then you would pay just the tax on the tobacco as it could be made here if they han buildings here.

                        Think about it, now you arent paying taxes on the stuff, but you are importing it and payign a shipping cost. Certain times , depending on what you order, you average paying around $1 a can shipping, somtimes more.

                        At buy snus even if you only want to buy 2-3 cans its still $4 for shipping just 2 cans. Thats 8 bucks a can. Plus you dont have insurance on the package, unless you pay 30 bucks for UPS, so if its lost your screwed.

                        Having the market and availability of Swedish Brand Snus here would be great and we would benefit from it. I dont see where the argument is in that.


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          I agree with you Grim and also think that if only one case of lung cancer or other smoking-related disease could be prevented it would be worth it. I mean think of how many of us have tried quitting using every government-sanctioned means and have failed again and again. I've done the patch, gum, cold-turkey, zyban, and eating copious amounts of food in exchange for smoking and this has been the easiest.


                          • bmwgsa
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 248

                            I'm not worried about a $10 a tin tax (I'm sure some of the tobacco nazi's would love to get that one in place), but I don't want to pay an additional $1.10 for a tin when I don't have to.

                            A pack of smokes and a tin of snus are the same price out here, $5.00 each. I don't care if I buy Camel or General.

                            I get snus shipped for about $3.90 a tin.

                            I want to pay more why? For the convenence of stopping by the gas station to get a tin? No thanks, I'll stock up and think ahead.

                            That $1.10 is 1/4 of a gallon of gas (or a little more now), a small coffee, a candy bar or 2.

                            My point is that once it becomes a "domesticated" product it becomes subject to the "domesticated" rules and regulations. This includes taxation and quite possibly manufacturing.

                            If it becomes an import it them becomes subject to importation charges, quite possibly launching it's price up.

                            I don't mean to sound like it's an end-of-the-world scenerio, but setting up a market for Sweedish snus in the US/Canada might not be a good idea.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by bmwgsa
                              Lots O'Stuff
                              Not only that, there could very well be more regulations regarding it's importation, and sale. You may not even be able to have snus shipped to your house anymore. I don't want a choice of 3 Swedish brands, and 10 crappy American makes.

                              I couldn't care less about other's health tbh. Everybody makes their choices, and they have to be lived with. Nobody on this forum is so old that they didn't know cigarettes were bad for them when they started smoking.

