So im going through my latest order and pick up a can of Prima Fint. smells good. tastes good. Its been in the fridge for a few days. So i get out the ole pris master, pop one in my mouth and... EWW! what the hell? still tastes good still has a nice nic kick but DAMN! Its like...MUD! or toothpaste perhaps? its so SO thick! Perhaps on the consistency of caulking material. Is this...normal??
Im not complaining. its been about 30 min and its softened considerably. But i was shocked at its consistency. Is this normal? Is it a byproduct of being cold? do snus consistencies vary that dramatically from brand to brand?
So far it has a nice taste so im enjoying it at least its just so... icky? haha. Ive been snussing with the gustavus (or whatever its called) and its very loose gritty.
Anyways just was wondering if this is typical, and or if theres some rundown of various snus and their consistencies?
OH and thanks for the help everyone! This has been an awesome snus resource for a 2.5 week old snus noob!
Oh yeah and one local tobacconist didnt have snus but he had Oliver twist. Interesting stuff. i got the 50 cent sampler. tasty as hell. not such a big kick nicotine wise but certainly fun stuff. wont replace my snus but is a good tasty treat and or fallback
Im not complaining. its been about 30 min and its softened considerably. But i was shocked at its consistency. Is this normal? Is it a byproduct of being cold? do snus consistencies vary that dramatically from brand to brand?
So far it has a nice taste so im enjoying it at least its just so... icky? haha. Ive been snussing with the gustavus (or whatever its called) and its very loose gritty.
Anyways just was wondering if this is typical, and or if theres some rundown of various snus and their consistencies?
OH and thanks for the help everyone! This has been an awesome snus resource for a 2.5 week old snus noob!
Oh yeah and one local tobacconist didnt have snus but he had Oliver twist. Interesting stuff. i got the 50 cent sampler. tasty as hell. not such a big kick nicotine wise but certainly fun stuff. wont replace my snus but is a good tasty treat and or fallback