Hey, so for the past year or so I have been doing Thunder Ultra Strong pouches as its what I got used to. Since reading this site I've noticed that its not a very popular one with the guys on here. How would it compare to other brands?
Thunder Ultra Strong
I don't know what the most thinking about Thunder Ultra, But i honestly confess that V2 Thunder Ultra & Oden's Extreme was the 2 brands that help me A LOT to stop smoking. Great taste both and 100% guarantee that someone can stop smoking, i was smoking at least 50-100gr of very strong tobacco daily before quit with Oden's Extreme & V2 Thunder Ultra.
End of the story & End of smoking.....Last edited by Nikolaos; 15-04-14, 06:44 PM.
I am a big fan of Thunder Ultra Raspberry and Brandy, and the Original is a nice, sharp tobacco flavor (feels more like raw, fresh stuff compared to some others). I am too much of a lightweight to handle a full portion, but a razorblade makes for quick custom work to get something down to a manageable jolt.