How Snus Saved My Life!

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  • SnusBooth
    • Apr 2014
    • 16

    How Snus Saved My Life!

    Many of us have begun using Snus because of the fact that it is proven to not cause oral cancer, and only slightly elevates the risk of pancreatic cancer (which MANY things do!) Snus has truly saved my life, and I thank the Snuson forum and Chad's ( videos on YouTube for pointing me in the direction of Snus.

    It started many years ago. I had my first puff of a cigarette. Then it begun, I started dual-using cigarettes and dip, and after awhile I could tell that the smokes were causing me to not be able to run as far, hold my breath as long when I went swimming, etc. After awhile I switched solely to dip, and continued that for quite a long time. A few months ago, I was using 2 cans of dip per day and taking 1/4 can pinches of it with each dip I took.

    Then came my first dabble into Snus. I started reading online about Snus and how it was 98% healthier than the other alternatives out there. I went to a local convenience store that carried General and picked up a few cans. I stuck with that for awhile but eventually went back to dipping full time.

    A year later I've switched solely to Snus'ing and haven't looked back. It's extremely enjoyable, the flavor combinations are diverse and amazing, and guess what. It's safe! I've only been using General as it's available locally and will soon be making an order from a reputable online company so I can fully enjoy more flavors.

    So thank you Snuson community, Chad, and the entire YouTube Snus'ing community. I want to also thank Sweden for putting out a product that's not solely for profit like the cigarette companies. They've put out a product that is truly safer than other alternatives. You've all put out informative and great reviews, health assessments, and all of that jazz about how Snus'ing (unlike the warning labels they put on the cans) are a 100% safer alternative from cigarettes (and dip!).

    That is my story,
  • NeonMouse
    • Apr 2013
    • 193

    It saved my life too, bring an asmatic smoker. My routine was have a cig inhaler cup of tea repeat x35 times a day, I would get out of breath crossing the road.

    Feel sorry for the world now though.


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      SnusBooth I remember when I was using 1/4 of a can of dip at a time. I had 3 gas stations I would rotate going to only buying 1 can because I was so embaressed. I kept that rotation so it looked like I was only buying one can every day and a half to the gas station clerks instead of 2 cans a day....sometimes more......


      • SnusBooth
        • Apr 2014
        • 16

        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus View Post
        SnusBooth I remember when I was using 1/4 of a can of dip at a time. I had 3 gas stations I would rotate going to only buying 1 can because I was so embaressed. I kept that rotation so it looked like I was only buying one can every day and a half to the gas station clerks instead of 2 cans a day....sometimes more......
        Exactly man, it was very embarrassing going through so much dip. Snus has been a true lifesaver for me, and I know it has for many other people too. I'm trying to get my brother to switch from dip to snus, too. Sadly I think he likes his dip too much to give it up though!


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          It's a fine fine sentiment ... we all know the score with snus here and will continue to try and tell an unbelieving world that there is a product out there which is naturally made from a plant (tobacco) which can make the transition from smoking to non-smoking almost seamless and painless if done properly.

          Using snus carries a risk to health - but it's only a risk which is on a par with drinking slightly too much coffee! That's what all the medical evidence says ... and because real Swedish snus is so tightly regulated by the Swedish laws you can be pretty sure of a consistent and relatively safe product.

          In addition to this snus can aid concentration, and is a massively pleasurable experience with a wide array of gourmet flavours for the user to enjoy!

          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
            It's a fine fine sentiment ... we all know the score with snus here and will continue to try and tell an unbelieving world that there is a product out there which is naturally made from a plant (tobacco) which can make the transition from smoking to non-smoking almost seamless and painless if done properly.
            I'm still gobsmacked at how painless the transition was. One day I smoked, the next day I didn't.


            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by Frosted View Post
              I'm still gobsmacked at how painless the transition was. One day I smoked, the next day I didn't.
              Same here, it was so easy it makes me wonder why people find it hard to stop with snus, it was instant.


              • Belatorius
                • May 2014
                • 42

                Same here. I used to go to the gas station where the clerks knew my brand and had it ready before I came in. A can of snus last me more than a week and they recently made a comment on how long It's been since I bought a pack of smokes


                • piks101
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 691

                  Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                  Same here, it was so easy it makes me wonder why people find it hard to stop with snus, it was instant.
                  Agree, same here. Snus does it. The only time I really want to smoke is social situations where alcohol is involved and I can join in and pick-up snus again next day without any overriding desire to smoke.


                  • piks101
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 691

                    Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                    I'm still gobsmacked at how painless the transition was. One day I smoked, the next day I didn't.
                    That is good to hear. A person of your size definitely benefits from using snus over cigarettes.


                    • piks101
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 691

                      I have a bud that easily does a 1/4 to 1/2 a can of Skoal at a time. I can see him doing a rotation of stores as well. I got him to try General Mint (bottom lip) and he liked it, at least he said he did but don't see him switching anytime soon.


                      • talltexan
                        • May 2014
                        • 51

                        After six months of nothing but snus I'm glad I don't smoke. I can actually go in the store to pay for my gas and instead of starring at the cigs im actually repulsed by them. It's great
                        My mind is like a bad neighborhood. I don't need to go there alone.:biggrin-new:


                        • alopezg1
                          • Jul 2013
                          • 722

                          Originally posted by Frosted View Post
                          I'm still gobsmacked at how painless the transition was. One day I smoked, the next day I didn't.
                          I have found it to be an immense struggle , still is. Makes me think i must be doing something wrong


                          • piks101
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 691

                            Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                            I have found it to be an immense struggle , still is. Makes me think i must be doing something wrong
                            When I have an urge for a cigarette, it is usually when I am very tired or when my snus usage is low. When I have that urge I just put in a fresh snus and replace more frequently or double up but either way I can easily manage any cigarette cravings by increasing snus usage. Also snusdog suggested throwing snuff in the mix for a quick nic jolt similar to cigarettes. Have you tried that?


                            • alopezg1
                              • Jul 2013
                              • 722

                              yes i have . Snuff aint for me, can't get any kind of satisfaction from it and it blocks up my nose and tastes like soap

