Gustavus OP Thoughts?

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  • CzechCzar
    • Jun 2010
    • 1144

    Gustavus OP Thoughts?

    I have been itching to get my hands on this ever since Chad’s glowing review. I am halfway through my first can and I have got to say that this is a complex snus. It’s not bad, but I can’t tell yet whether it is good. Unlike my favorites, ettan and grov, Gustavus doesn’t really have a dominant flavor. My sense of taste is too rough, I guess, and I just can’t pick out everything that Chad could in his reviews.

    With that said, does anyone have any opinions as to the merits of this snus? I have a couple of cans, and I’d really like to be able to wrap my head around it before I run out. As much as I love ettan wp, it would be great to find another quality snus.
  • Burnsey
    • Jan 2013
    • 2572

    Don't be hard on yourself CC.....I have gone through a dozen cans of Onyx looking for the what is so exceptional about it and it escapes me yet.....


    • CzechCzar
      • Jun 2010
      • 1144

      I think I may have to do just that... I was eagerly anticipating for a loooooooooong time my first gustavus portion. It has been a disappointment so far. I keep rereading Chad's review, trying to discern the flavors that he does, all to no avail.

      Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
      Don't be hard on yourself CC.....I have gone through a dozen cans of Onyx looking for the what is so exceptional about it and it escapes me yet.....


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Originally posted by CzechCzar View Post
        I have been itching to get my hands on this ever since Chad’s glowing review. I am halfway through my first can and I have got to say that this is a complex snus. It’s not bad, but I can’t tell yet whether it is good. Unlike my favorites, ettan and grov, Gustavus doesn’t really have a dominant flavor. My sense of taste is too rough, I guess, and I just can’t pick out everything that Chad could in his reviews.

        With that said, does anyone have any opinions as to the merits of this snus? I have a couple of cans, and I’d really like to be able to wrap my head around it before I run out. As much as I love ettan wp, it would be great to find another quality snus.
        You are correct, Gustavus is a complex snus, and is very different from many other snuses that are available today.


        "A sweet taste of citrus greets you up front, and as you have the portion in your lip it starts to mingle with a pleasant floral taste - much like the rose oil you would find in Skruf snus. There is a very mild pepper taste in the background and, as with most Swedish snus, a salt flavor too - but only as an afterthought, it doesn't have a dominating flavor like in other snuses. I would compare this to Skruf, but the citrus is a much different flavor - it's a sweeter citrus, which makes this completely different in my mind to Skruf, even with the rose/floral aroma/taste mixed in."

        I've tried it recently and tasted the same results as when I reviewed it in 2010, so I know the recipe hasn't changed/tweaked. It's still just as tasty as ever!


        • CzechCzar
          • Jun 2010
          • 1144

          Aaaaand.... Gringo is also amazing. Spot on Chad. I think I may have to order some more of these!!


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by CzechCzar View Post
            Aaaaand.... Gringo is also amazing. Spot on Chad. I think I may have to order some more of these!!
            I absolutely love Gringo. That and Pioneer are two of the best los snuses, in my opinion, that have come out since I started snusing in 2009.


            • CzechCzar
              • Jun 2010
              • 1144

              Yes. I can't wait to take my can of grango los out of the freezer. Gringo OP is like my favorite tobacco flavored snus, ettan wp, but noticeably smoother and less harsh. Thanks again, Chad, as Lundgrens wp and gringo op are now my two favorite snuses. Wouldn't have tried them without your reviews.

              Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
              I absolutely love Gringo. That and Pioneer are two of the best los snuses, in my opinion, that have come out since I started snusing in 2009.


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