Lots of new snus taste reviews

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  • rollinred
    Banned Users
    • Aug 2008
    • 115

    Lots of new snus taste reviews

    For my second order at buysnus I went bold and ordered a mix los roll and a mixed los/portion roll. For my gift I also added an extra roll of random snus. So basically I was expectiong around 15 rolls of los and 5 rolls of portion with one roll that would be a suprise. And that is nearly what I got... here is the list


    ettan(already my favorite on first order)
    goteborgs rape
    roda lachet
    offroad long cut
    offroad origional los
    offroad liquirice
    offroad ice mint
    phantom origional
    phantom blue
    probe whiskey
    LD origional

    For portions

    Jacobsons Ice Fruit
    Kronan White
    Probe Whiskey
    Goteborgs Rape no.2

    First off I am very impressed with the large selection of both budget priced and high dollar snuses that buysnus sent me. I actually expected every can that I got in this order except for the mid range type snus. I expected to get several offroad snuses, LD and a knox somewhere. I also expected them to put in a general, moticristo, goteborgs, and ettan. That is exactly what they did.

    Now I will give a couple of reviews because I feel obligated to. I normally would not do this because taste is something that must be had several times before deciding if you like somthing, but I did it anyway.

    The snuses on review

    Probe whiskey portion
    Offroad Long cut origional
    Offroad origional

    First Probe whistkey portion- I like it, enough said. That is really enough for this snus, good flavor, lasts a long time, better, MUCH BETTER than nick and johnnys harsh flavor. Sorry but N & J is the only thing I have to compare to, Los is so much better than portion. Out of 10 it gets a 5.

    Gustavus- Great, Blah, Somewhere in between but yet an element of both. Salty flavor at the end was the single best taste I have got from snus yet. I NEED MORE SALT FLAVOR, and this is as close as it gets. But that is only at the very end when you are a couple minutes from ditching to pris and trying to keep it compact with your tounge. I just dont know how to explain Gust. very good yet, it just doesnt have the flavor unitil the end. If you like the salt flavor buy this stuff. If you like good flavor plus salt buy Ettan. Overall Gustavus is a 7 out of 10

    And for the two everyone is waiting for, why, because you all think it is crappy yet are craving my view or a curious to try it yourselves.

    Offroad long cut first... This is going to become one of my staple snuses. I LOVE IT. I switched from american snuff to snus for health reasons and this stuff is the best replacement. In fact I have a pinch in right now. I have a feeling I will like the wintergreen better than this but it really gives me a flavor of the outdoors. If you chew on the type of pine tree needles I have around my house, which I have done since childhood, you will instantly recognize the similarities in tasted and realize that tobacco can be amazingly simple. And offroad long cut origional expresses that simplicity. Plus I can get my urge for the hillbilly pinch in by grabbing one and throwing it in my bottom lip without spitting but getting that same feeling.
    I hate to dissapoint the hardcore snus crowd, which I consider myself a member of because I am a conniseur of everything I do. Cheap is not me but I really do give OR LC a 7 out of 10 for its "organic flavor" and abilty to suit my bottome lip desires

    Next is the most interesting and hard to rate snus that I have found yet.
    Offroad los, The plain and simple first snus version by the loved and hated offroad brand. This is the most unique review that I can possibly think of but it is going to refrerence my childhood a few times. The smell is the most interesting thing I have senced in a while, pla-doh is all I can think about, seriously this stuff smells like a strong pla-doh. But that can be a good thing. Even if they call it a pure tobacco flavor, It is not. It has a unique flavor of its own that I kind of like yet dislike for the fact that good tobacco should not taste like this. It is very good but at the same time horrible. I just can not rate these offroad brands.

    Most people will rate them badly because they do not want to admitt that there is a certain element in the flavor that is quite pleasant. And I want to say that it is bad because I have tasted some of the better snus but I just can not say it is bad. I truely give offroad original a 6 out of 10, I know you will all give me crap but this stuff is worth it for the unique exprience. I will be trying more offroad brand snus and I have a feeling that I will be the odd man out saying that I like it. Exept for liquirice, that stuff is just gross. I wont even try it.

    I give

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