You'd have to check Canada's specific laws on whole leaf tobacco, but in most countries, whole leaf is not subject to tobacco taxes whatsoever as it is considered unprocessed. However there may be laws that come in to play where you are taxed on at the point of processing it in to smokeless tobacco ... if you fancied telling the authorities 
I have ordered 30lbs of whole leaf to the UK from that website and it was totally honestly labeled on the customs declaration. Arrived with no problems at all.
Snus is not that hard to make at all (I'd go with virginia bright leaf rather than Burley as I find it can make a rather overpowering snus using Burley alone)

I have ordered 30lbs of whole leaf to the UK from that website and it was totally honestly labeled on the customs declaration. Arrived with no problems at all.
Snus is not that hard to make at all (I'd go with virginia bright leaf rather than Burley as I find it can make a rather overpowering snus using Burley alone)