Wanna Try Lös / Loose Snus

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  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    You'd have to check Canada's specific laws on whole leaf tobacco, but in most countries, whole leaf is not subject to tobacco taxes whatsoever as it is considered unprocessed. However there may be laws that come in to play where you are taxed on at the point of processing it in to smokeless tobacco ... if you fancied telling the authorities

    I have ordered 30lbs of whole leaf to the UK from that website and it was totally honestly labeled on the customs declaration. Arrived with no problems at all.

    Snus is not that hard to make at all (I'd go with virginia bright leaf rather than Burley as I find it can make a rather overpowering snus using Burley alone)

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      Last time I was in Vancouver, a can of cope cost $14 ... and that was several years ago ... Canadian smokeless taxes are incredible! Almost as expensive as Norway!

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • joserra
        • May 2014
        • 191

        Originally posted by SunnyHours View Post
        This shit is disgusting! Honestly...charging me over 12$ in taxes per Can! Again TODAY...72$ for 5 cans, and probably my precious ONYX!!!! A*******!!!! I'M REALLY ******* PISSED!
        I'm poor and I can't afford to A. Get my shit taken away because of greedy F****! B. Can't get back on Cigs because they gross me the **** out, but I know I'll have to...

        What a pathetic day for Canada! I can't order a product I can't buy locally online or I'll be struck down by the Tax Man! What a great Country...can't wait to get out of this shitty country...I don't mean Me...I mean We :mad-new::mad-new::mad-new::mad-new:
        If you're not far from the US or know someone who's going there, can't you ask them to bring you snus? That's the way I got my snus stash, sending my order to the US an then someone brought it to me. Can you do that?


        • dquinn104
          • May 2014
          • 135

          P.O. box over the boarder ☺


          • SunnyHours
            • Aug 2013
            • 61

            Well it's just that I refuse to pay like 16$ per Can...I'm still waiting for another package...if it makes it through unharmed I'm still a winner...but still pisses me off...every package I have to send back is >15$ down the drain...
            And no, I'm pretty far from the states and I don't drive...

            Haha I kinda overreacted but still...I want my Onyx!!! hehe
            50lbs would definitely bankrupt me LOL


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by SunnyHours View Post

              Haha I kinda overreacted but still...I want my Onyx!!! hehe
              50lbs would definitely bankrupt me LOL
              I don't think you overreacted at all. Taxes like that are immoral, and a detriment to a free society.


              • dquinn104
                • May 2014
                • 135

                Originally posted by SunnyHours View Post
                Well it's just that I refuse to pay like 16$ per Can...I'm still waiting for another package...if it makes it through unharmed I'm still a winner...but still pisses me off...every package I have to send back is >15$ down the drain...
                And no, I'm pretty far from the states and I don't drive...

                Haha I kinda overreacted but still...I want my Onyx!!! hehe
                50lbs would definitely bankrupt me LOL
                In all seriousness that really sucks man. I'd be furious if that happened to me.
                Last edited by dquinn104; 11-07-14, 02:43 AM.


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  It does suck that snus is taxed so much in Canada even though it is a massive harm reduction tool if people switch to it from smoking ... although I support a decent level of taxation in general ... this is neither fair nor practical for Canada.

                  However ... living as I do in a country where selling snus is illegal ... and the major producer, Swedish Match, has warned every online seller not to supply us in the UK with their products ... I have lived the future ... and I still snus! I find ways to get the Swedish Match snus I want, I grow my own tobacco - and make my own snus ... it's not convenient ... but it's kinda exciting!

                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • SunnyHours
                    • Aug 2013
                    • 61

                    Well It's really sad but I just refused my last snus package...40$ down the drain out of 65$...I'll contact SnusCentral and cut my losses and that's no counting the other 40$ down the drain the past order...
                    72$ again today.
                    My last Snus package today and my first pack of cigarettes in almost a year tomorrow...gotta love Canada...I feel like killing someone right now

                    Shit buddy! I live in Quebec...we pay 15% taxes on everything we buy...we don't know what reasonable taxation means hehe:grey:
                    Last edited by SunnyHours; 11-07-14, 04:39 PM.


                    • trebli
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 797

                      That is rough. I hate to see anyone start smoking again.


                      • dquinn104
                        • May 2014
                        • 135

                        Originally posted by SunnyHours View Post
                        Well It's really sad but I just refused my last snus package...40$ down the drain out of 65$...I'll contact SnusCentral and cut my losses and that's no counting the other 40$ down the drain the past order...
                        72$ again today.
                        My last Snus package today and my first pack of cigarettes in almost a year tomorrow...gotta love Canada...I feel like killing someone right now

                        Shit buddy! I live in Quebec...we pay 15% taxes on everything we buy...we don't know what reasonable taxation means hehe:grey:
                        Have you tried vaping at all? Not sure what the laws with regards to e cigs are in Canada, but it would defiantly be cheaper than smoking. I prefer smokeless over it personally, but if I was in your boat i would be more inclined to go that route.


                        • SunnyHours
                          • Aug 2013
                          • 61

                          I do too...uses to vape but didn't really work. And it's illegal in Canada. So when you order juice with nicotine, it might be seized and destroyed...not much better than the high taxes on snus...


                          • dquinn104
                            • May 2014
                            • 135

                            Canada takes all the fun out of living...seriously thats bullsh*t.


                            • crullers
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 663

                              Whole leaf is supposed to be barely taxed as it is unprocessed but I read on another forum that the donkeys at customs have recently nailed some guy an outrageous amount for less than a pound of whole leaf. Can't recall the amount of tax but it was way off base. I've resorted to pipe tobacco and nasal snuff. I get dip when friends or relatives go to the states, snus is now a luxury. What a sad state of affairs.

                              Oh ya, and I'm growing a nice baccy patch,


                              • alopezg1
                                • Jul 2013
                                • 722

                                Canada sounds crap!


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