Roda Lacket white portion is typical of Swedish Match quality. I wondered about the black dots on redbackground sticker on the pop top until I tasted it. Strawberry! Those dots on the top are shaped like the little seeds found on strawberries. It has a fragrant tobacco odor, in a very good way. My buddy said it tastes like mild strawberry jam on buttered toast. I can see that. I used several portions at work today. I'm sold, Swedish Match, cool can, good flavor, white. I'm gonna order a full roll.
Roda Lacket vit=Roll worthy IMO
I thought I'd share this info with all the snus nerds/lovers on here...
A friend of mine who lives in Oslo was invited to a focus group for Roda Lacket where they discussed new can designs and flavours. Apparently they're going for a white can like Skruf. It should be interesting to see where things go.
Personally I'm a fan o RL white portion but the sweetness is a bit much at times so i need another brand in between.
I think you may be correct Auggie, it does taste like a milder version of goteborg's #2, which is lingonberry. All the sites that carry it don't mention a fruit/strawberry flavor though except this one:
everyone mentions a "licorice" flavor, which I just don't taste. But yes, either way, I'm really enjoying it and a roll of it will be part of my next order!
Originally posted by sagedilALL????
Now there are snuses I absolutely love, but I could never settle on just one. I would hate it in short order. i need the variety, man. I have finally settled on some favorites, but that list is about 20 different one's long.
5 is the bare minimum I could have, and I'd be leaving out many favorites if I did that.