Well I was fortunate that I was in a 2 day ground zone from the Northerner warehouse, so when shipping switched to Sweden I was bummed but it has really worked out with no problems. Case in point, I did the classic order when almost out late yesterday. I am going out of town for this weekend, so really poor planning on my part. If I don't have the good stuff for the long drive it would be a pain. Ordered late Tuesday U.S. time and my order is already in transit for Friday delivery with Northerner via UPS 2 day delivery. I have to stop ordering when my inventory is almost out but the 2 day delivery from Sweden sure is a life saver.
Northerner Order # Date Status
6300033217 6/11/14 Sent
UPS Scheduled Delivery:
Friday, 06/13/2014, By End of Day
Last Location:
Arrived - Koeln, Germany, Thursday, 06/12/2014
Northerner Order # Date Status
6300033217 6/11/14 Sent
UPS Scheduled Delivery:
Friday, 06/13/2014, By End of Day
Last Location:
Arrived - Koeln, Germany, Thursday, 06/12/2014