I like the Oliver twists, you get 30 pieces in an OT tin and the way I use the twists it's 10 bits at most, the OT taste much nicer too. FYI the apple doesn't taste of apple, it doesn't even smell like it, the appleishness only comes out when you smoke it. The vanilla is ok and black cherry but the flavour is background,they aren't sweet either.
No I usually use two OT at once, sometimes one is fine. With the twist I cut it up into 10 bits. OTs last longer flavour wise and in amount so are cheaper in the long run. Buy them from GQ Tobaccos, they are £3.99 there.
I know TONS of people that smoke this, but don't know a single solitary soul that chews it. I'd imagine it would taste like garbage, honestly. You be the guinea pig and report back to us :-)
The esteemed Mr. Eulenberg, whose educated palate and prose...described Dunhill's Royal Yacht as possessing "all the flavourful charm and sweet redolence of slightly gangrenous horse meat". I would suggest that he sample this abomination. By comparison, Royal Yacht would make a worthy wedding gift to a dear friend.
It's a big world, and there is room for all manner of styles and tastes, yet I cannot for a moment imagine anyone enjoying this. It is downright brutal in its assault on the senses, and brings shame to our gentle art.
I'll describe it nonetheless. An oily, pitch black rope, only slightly foul smelling, it brings nothing but nicotine to the table. The world of wine has Thunderbird, and, well, we have this. Shredding the tough leaves into a manageable form is a chore unrewarded with anything closely resembling smoking pleasure. It looks like used cigar butts, and probably tastes about the same.
The anti-smoking zealots should use this as exhibit A.
Surely there must be uses for such a product. Perhaps the Brits used it to force the evacuation of landing crafts at Normandy. I know I'd rather face enemy fire than this. It may also make a good noose.
I have to go and salt my pipe now, as well as every other pipe in my house, and possibly the tri-state area. Someone should salt the earth where they grow this stuff, as well.
Chewing is definitely not a new way of enjoying tobacco - it is a rather old tradition - but the new, modern Nordic Chew is more like snus than traditional chewing tobacco. It looks the same way as Swedish snus and comes in loose form or in portions. ...
Thunder chewing tobacco is strong when it comes to nicotine content, which is accomplished naturally by using a larger percentage of tobacco leaves in each gram of Thunder Chew. ...
I've been gathering together some information on this product recently and so I thought I'd share it incase it might be useful to anyone else that is looking to use the product. ...