Last week I got an order of mixed snus from buysnus, of course it included a few cans of offroad. One icemint and an origional loose. I am right now enjoying the origional. No negatives that I can find. It has a completely different smell and taste than any other tobacco I have found. Its a flavor I am actually quite fond of, not a sweet taste but just different, I cant describe it, they say it has a hint of lemon and bergamont in it, and I guess I can taste a little bit of lemon but I dont taste much lemon. It forms a very good pris and lasts a long time without breaking appart and loosing flavor. Obviously it is a lower quality snus but it does the job very well. I cant use it exclusivley but I may order a roll of it on my next order to keep in the freezer when I am desiring a different flavor. Thier other flavors are also keeping me satisfied, except for the liquirice. It left all of my snus smelling terrible for a few days. I threw that can out without even trying it.
Anyone else actually like offroad
Offroad portions and offroad los are about as far apart as potions and los can be. Although few like the Offroad portions, a number of folks really do like the los. And the price can't be beat.
I'm a portions guy, but lived off Offroad licorice, then cranberry strong for about 6 weeks starting 2 weeks after I started snus. I was poor but needed strong to wean me from cigarettes. SO I will always have a soft spot for it.
I'm a member of the official Snuson V2 hate club and I like some of the lös snus they make. I've completely given up on their portions, but some of the lös isn't bad. Interestingly enough the liquorice is my favorite from them that I've had so far. It's the closest to LD black in lös form that I've tried.
I suppose I'm down with the OR. I've only tried cranberry los, but the american wintergreen and pure tobacco long cuts look interesting. Might satisfy the "redneck" in me. I love to snus, but I won't deny that I don't want to throw a pinch of Grizz in the ol' lip every now and again. I haven't yet, which is probably why I think it would taste good...It'd probably taste like a$$hole compared to snus.
But back on topic, OR is not my favorite los, nor is it my least favorite.
I like their Cranberry Strong varieties (lös and portions), which are quite different from snus made in Sweden, but taste very natural and pleasing and give a nice nic-kick. Their limited editions though were a real letdown for me (speaking about apple and peach). I never tasted anything as artificial and "monosyllabic" as these brands. Due to Xobeloot's raving, I'm tempted to try Phantom Classic lös - maybe with my next order.
The classic has a nice tobacco with a rather bold citrus and peppery notes. The blue is identical with a sweet herbal queue that jumps out a bit more than the tobacco and citrus.
I use these 2 snus flavors almost exclusively. I use my cranberry when I am in the mood for something sweet.
I am very much looking forward to what V2 comes up with for the Los Limited edition. I am sure I will buy several rolls of it to have on hand.
xobeloot...I find phantom classic to be one of the sweetest unflavored los' I've tried. and I definitely get the citrus (but not, orange...maybe that's the sweetness...) but not much the bergamot. it's also got some kind of herbal taste to me, maybe like rosemary or even sweet basil. I dunno, you've definitely had more experience with it than I have. Maybe I'll pop in a pris a little later and think about it.
Originally posted by cocsp2002xobeloot...I find phantom classic to be one of the sweetest unflavored los' I've tried. and I definitely get the citrus (but not, orange...maybe that's the sweetness...) but not much the bergamot.
I actually looked in the mix stash I got from buysnus and forgot about the can of long cut origional that came along with it. I had already tried a few pinches of it and again tried some tonight, and I really like this to. Tastes like a mild pine flavor. I like this stuff.
The only snus that I have found that I dont like much so far is skruf stark, it is just way to sweet.
Everything else I have tried is excelent. That includes...
Ettan, Gustavus, Offroad Origional, Offroad Icemint, Offroad long cut origional, Goteborgs rape, those are all in loose form
Portions that I have tried... from favorite to least, kronan white, probe whiskey, and N & J stark
Man I wish I would have discovered snus a couple of years ago, it is so much better than american snuff and even reduces your risks from that. The benifits to quiting smoking versus using snus must be incredible.