Tip for quitting smoking

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  • WildBill44
    • Jun 2014
    • 32

    Tip for quitting smoking

    Since the community here has been helpful I thought I'd share a tip.

    The road to quitting my go to brand of cigarettes has not been easy. Snus has played a very big role and I'm grateful but I also did something else.

    When I finally acknowledged to myself (this is an important step in itself) that I wanted to give up smoking I knew cold turkey was not an option. So for whatever reason I decided to ditch my big name cigarette brand and switch to a all natural tobacco cigarette (and snus). Man was I in for a shocking surprise. The first 2 weeks after the switch was truly awful. Headaches, irritability, restlessness, weakness, nausea, you name it I felt it. I thought every second of every day about going and getting a pack of my usual brand. Something got me thinking that I WAS STILL getting nicotine from the snus and natural tobacco cigarettes, so what the hell was going on? 'll let you decide what I was truly addicted to. Could it have been something else the big company was adding to there tobacco?

    It's been nearly 2 months since I last had anything but a natural tobacco cigarette (no additives) and snus and I'm finally starting to not want those cigarettes anymore. I was smoking between 20-30 cigarettes everyday and now am under 5. Have my first child on the way sometime in the next 2 weeks and finally am starting to feel better. And something else, once you get "used to" the natural tobacco cigarettes something strange happens, you don't feel like you "need one" very often, if at all.

    I know that everyone's addiction, body, etc are different but my best advice is to just tough it out once you've made up your mind. I see nothing wrong with cutting down slowly or switching to a natural brand like I did. It's still better than smoking however many you were. One fact is for certain, without snus and the natural tobacco cigarettes I would still be smoking 1-2 packs daily.
  • Burnsey
    • Jan 2013
    • 2572

    I've heard that there are 4-5,000 other chemicals in manufactured cigs....never thought to try pure cigarettes though, snus has been plenty for me for a while now.....good luck with your changes, huge improvement so far!


    • dquinn104
      • May 2014
      • 135

      Additive free tobacco is the way togo if your going to smoke. My whole body felt less 'dirty' when i switched from camels to rolling my own american spirits and bali shag. Santa fe 'cigarillos' are good and very friendly to your wallet, under 3 bucks a pack with tax in SC.


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722

        why don't you give vaporizing tobacco a go?


        • dquinn104
          • May 2014
          • 135

          Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
          why don't you give vaporizing tobacco a go?
          How i that working out for you? Ive read on ECF about it and curious of the results.


          • alopezg1
            • Jul 2013
            • 722

            Haven't actually tried it yet! still saving up for an arizer solo , there quite pricey £130 or roughly $300 . Apparently it's very effective , more so than smoking
            as you don't lose a lot of the 'goods' through combustion. If you keep the temperature low enough it should be much less harmful than smoking, in theory


            • dquinn104
              • May 2014
              • 135

              The price tag for those has kinda put a damper on my trying it out. I know fasttech sells 'dry herb vaporizers' which is essentally a ceramic plate that heats up for 30-40 USD but its fasttech....their electronics are real hit and miss.

              Keep us posted on how that works out if you get one. Personally i never cared much for vaporizing that other stuff 😉 but interested in how it would work with tobacco.


              • alopezg1
                • Jul 2013
                • 722

                yes , it think there are a couple of people on here who have at least tried it. If you get a cheapo model you have to be careful that the temperature is not to high and remains constant , and also that the tobacco doesn't make contact with the heating plate or else it will combust. It is a lot of money but probably about the same you pay for a provari or some other such fancy e-cig mod, although i have never spent more than £20 on a MOD . I am just going to try it and have it as i back up in case i am struggling with cravings etc. i wouldn't be using daily , i have heard it knocks your socks off anyway so not something it hink you want to be doing several times a day


                • alopezg1
                  • Jul 2013
                  • 722

                  and the arizer is one the cheaper models !


                  • dquinn104
                    • May 2014
                    • 135

                    I comend your investment! Honestly if i was joining that bad i'd just have a smoke.


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      yes i am in the unfortunate position though of having cigarette cravings even though i now find cigarettes completely disgusting
                      strange but true


                      • willc
                        • Jun 2012
                        • 107

                        Have you though about using snuff in addition to snus?
                        I quit smokes over 2 years ago and it was fairly easy using both.
                        Snuff gives a pretty immediate nic hit and snus is more gradual.


                        • WildBill44
                          • Jun 2014
                          • 32

                          I have a ton of stuff from V2 E-cigarettes. In my opinion that were affordable, produced excellent vapor, and I stopped smoking for 2 or 3 days completely using that product. And then I had a beer and failed miserably. I would absolutely recommend that product and there customer service deserved more than 5 stars. I still have everything and just placed an order a few months ago before I discovered snus. If anyone has any questions about the V2 cigs please feel free to ask. I may try to substitute the few smokes I'm having a day with the e cig in the future.

                          As far as snuff is concerned, Iys really something I have no intention on trying. Just not for me.


                          • WildBill44
                            • Jun 2014
                            • 32

                            Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                            yes i am in the unfortunate position though of having cigarette cravings even though i now find cigarettes completely disgusting
                            strange but true
                            Its due to habits and the absolute 100% instant delivery system of additive tobacco cigarettes . That's another reason using the vapor was a little different, it's not instant. No brands I've tried come even close to instant delivery. V2 was the closest.


                            • dman21
                              • Jul 2012
                              • 1141

                              I feel if one is going to vape, invest in something higher end than a cigalike as the vaping community calls it. I'd go with at least an ego battery and a tank, as well as your choice of liquid. Way better vapor production and nic hit, I think. Also on that note, you may want to try liquids from Aroma. They offer WTA e liquid. Basically whole tobacco alkaloids. This give a lot of the missing feeling that one would otherwise not get from vaping as opposed to regular nic only e liquid.


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