Not getting nicotine sometimes?

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  • necrobytez
    • Aug 2014
    • 44

    Not getting nicotine sometimes?

    It's like my gums are too rough or something that i dont get nicotine everytime and i can go for a few days feeling insecure and sad and stuff while still snusing and i wont snus alot cause it feels like nothing is happening. And then one prilla will be like wow i feel normal and awesome again! What could it be? Any similar experiences?
  • alopezg1
    • Jul 2013
    • 722

    yes i have this as well .... i don't know how it works . Are you coming from smoking?


    • necrobytez
      • Aug 2014
      • 44

      No, started my addiction with snus


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722

        you could try putting more in yer gob. sometimes i put 2 extra stark portions in and still don't feel satisfied.... i don't know


        • alopezg1
          • Jul 2013
          • 722

          or maybe your leaving them in to long


          • necrobytez
            • Aug 2014
            • 44

            At what time do you change? Do you chain snus?


            • alopezg1
              • Jul 2013
              • 722

              yep , after about an hour


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                No similar experience here, but general differences in nicotine-uptake are absolutely normal.

                Have you thought about the most common reasons, necrobytez?

                - Soured beverages (most soft drinks are soured - even the sweet tasting ones) can almost nullify the nicotine uptake. The same applies to alcoholic drinks. Snus needs an alkaline mouth-flora. Simple water is definitely the best drink for snusers.
                - A full stomach leads to a much weaker nicotine effect. It's good to have two or three dinners per day and to avoid too many snacks in between.
                - Medicaments can definitely have an impact.
                - Your general mood influences the nicotine perception. It's better to be happy, fit and well rested than to be melancholic, exhausted and tired, when snusing.
                - Maybe you still need to find the best timing for your snus-use, as alopezg1 already suggested.
                - ...

                Also, everyone is different. It takes some weeks to find a personal "best practice" of snus-use. BTW, as an ex-smoker I can attest that smoking is no different. On some days you can chainsmoke and not feel anything on another day a few puffs from a cigarette make you sit down - and the reasons behind that are mostly the same ones as with snus.



                • necrobytez
                  • Aug 2014
                  • 44

                  Originally posted by chainsnuser View Post
                  No similar experience here, but general differences in nicotine-uptake are absolutely normal.

                  Have you thought about the most common reasons, necrobytez?

                  - Soured beverages (most soft drinks are soured - even the sweet tasting ones) can almost nullify the nicotine uptake. The same applies to alcoholic drinks. Snus needs an alkaline mouth-flora. Simple water is definitely the best drink for snusers.
                  - A full stomach leads to a much weaker nicotine effect. It's good to have two or three dinners per day and to avoid too many snacks in between.
                  - Medicaments can definitely have an impact.
                  - Your general mood influences the nicotine perception. It's better to be happy, fit and well rested than to be melancholic, exhausted and tired, when snusing.
                  - Maybe you still need to find the best timing for your snus-use, as alopezg1 already suggested.
                  - ...

                  Also, everyone is different. It takes some weeks to find a personal "best practice" of snus-use. BTW, as an ex-smoker I can attest that smoking is no different. On some days you can chainsmoke and not feel anything on another day a few puffs from a cigarette make you sit down - and the reasons behind that are mostly the same ones as with snus.

                  Thanks alot! Been drinking alot of soda lately and my mouth has been really dry lately for some odd reason so thats probably why! Snus on!


                  • alopezg1
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 722

                    this has been a real pain in the ass for me .... sometimes snus seems to cause me to have cravings for cigarettes , i don't know how this works , but i think it must be that i am getting just not quite enough nicotine which is probably worse than not getting any at all. This happened the other day with two thunder brandy ultras in , i took them out and put another two in but still the craving went on so i did it again . I went through 6 extra strong portions in 20 minutes and the craving just got worse . i don't know how that works. Some days i can just put one regular portion in and the craving goes away and i won't need to use any more for a couple hours .


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      Alopezg1, for the best effect you have to use a single portion for at least between 30 and 60 minutes.

                      Sometimes you get recommendations to use a portion for only 15 minutes or even less. These recommendations come from people who a very sensitive to nicotine.

                      It takes about half an hour till the diffusion between the snus-portion (or prilla) and the mucous membrane of your gums fully kicks off. It's some kind of a chemical law of nature. At least two big studies have been conducted about the topic.

                      See this short article:


                      and this large study (especially the charts on page 122 and page 135):


                      for further informations.



                      • alopezg1
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 722

                        Originally posted by chainsnuser View Post
                        Alopezg1, for the best effect you have to use a single portion for at least between 30 and 60 minutes.

                        Sometimes you get recommendations to use a portion for only 15 minutes or even less. These recommendations come from people who a very sensitive to nicotine.

                        It takes about half an hour till the diffusion between the snus-portion (or prilla) and the mucous membrane of your gums fully kicks off. It's some kind of a chemical law of nature. At least two big studies have been conducted about the topic.

                        See this short article:


                        and this large study (especially the charts on page 122 and page 135):


                        for further informations.

                        Well that is interesting. This may help me. I was a light smoker 6-7 roll up cigarettes a day. I simply assumed that I was not getting enough nicotine from the snus, it may be the opposite is true. It happened this mornig again. I put a portion of thunder brandy in and felt a nice sense of relief and relaxation almost straight away .... but after a while , maybe twenty miutes I noticed myself starting to feel uncomfortable . This anxiety built up more and more until I had basically had a panick attack... I too k the porton out and I feel better after about 5 minutes .... maybe that is what is going wrong . Sometimes tough , the problem seems to be solved by putting another portion, but then again this sometimes doesn't work either and I end up just cramming them in trying to keep the anxiety and pancik at bay but they just get worse . I will try just keeping the portion in for 15-20 minutes for a while. Thanks


                        • Andy105
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 1393

                          Years ago, I was a pretty heavy smoker (20-30 per day). I don't even think about smoking anymore , and a standard 8mg nic portion usually does it for me, but it takes ten minutes or more, and lasts almost an hour. Odens Extreme portions, at 22mg, curls my toes for a good two hours, but it still takes 10 or 15 mins to kick in.


                          • alopezg1
                            • Jul 2013
                            • 722

                            Tried again today after vaping most of the day, started feel anxious and deprived on the synthetic nicotine so put in a snus. Same thing happened again , anxiety got worse , cigarette craving started . Just took the snus out , feel a bit better


                            • piks101
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 691

                              Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                              Tried again today after vaping most of the day, started feel anxious and deprived on the synthetic nicotine so put in a snus. Same thing happened again , anxiety got worse , cigarette craving started . Just took the snus out , feel a bit better
                              Vaping can definitely lead to anxiety and too much Nic. Vaping also can also stimulate cravings for a cigarette, so my recommendation would to be to try and refrain from vaping and use snus 100%.


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