Not getting nicotine sometimes?

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  • piks101
    • Sep 2010
    • 691

    Originally posted by necrobytez View Post
    I've been snusing on one side for a long time, could that of made it so it roughed up and didn't give me nicotine anymore?
    I would say your still getting nic just your tolerance has built. I think we hav dicussed before that nic has benefits to cognitive functioning but imo it is important to maximize benefits to physical and mental health thru diet, exercise and meditation.


    • alopezg1
      • Jul 2013
      • 722

      Nicotine doesn't really do anything until you are addicted to it. Then it will relieve withdrawal sysmptoms.....from nicotine . It's pretty absurd really , and once your in
      good luck getting out. Any small improvements it may yield in terms of cognitive function will quickly disappear and from then its just a matter of keeping your levels
      high enough so that you don't go into withdrawal . It's a pointless and absurd addiction ...... I thought that was fairly well known. I'd get out now while you still can
      if you can


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722

        what's happening is your dumpng a shite load of dopamine into your brain by putting nicotine in your body . Nicotine mimics a certain receptor in your brain , one which is responsible for dopamine release
        the reward hormone. Dopamine is the bodies natural method of teaching the organism to do certain things , for example: exercise, reproduce , eat. All of things will result in a massive dose of dopamine and sense of completion and satisfaction . As the nicotine leaves your body you will go into withdrawal and signals will be sent saying more of that please. This also happens after we eat and the food is digested and converted into energy , as the energy decreases receptors start to let us know it is time to eat again , we interpret this as hunger. When you put the nicotine back in your system a huge dose of dopamine ensues , pleasure, satisfaction . Then the withdrawal starts again . If you keep this up long enough you will become completely dependent on the substance and stopping its use will seem to the subconscious mind as unimaginable as stopping eating


        • necrobytez
          • Aug 2014
          • 44

          Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
          Nicotine doesn't really do anything until you are addicted to it. Then it will relieve withdrawal sysmptoms.....from nicotine . It's pretty absurd really , and once your in
          good luck getting out. Any small improvements it may yield in terms of cognitive function will quickly disappear and from then its just a matter of keeping your levels
          high enough so that you don't go into withdrawal . It's a pointless and absurd addiction ...... I thought that was fairly well known. I'd get out now while you still can
          if you can
          Well i thought """the literature on chronic tolerance to nicotine in humans is reasonably consistent in showing clear evidence of tolerance to subjective mood effects but little or no tolerance to cardiovascular, performance or other nicotine effects, within the limitations inherent in most human research on tolerance. "" Was pretty amazing, you are at a heighented state you're just so used to it!

          And piks101 i just feel that i'm not getting nic lately because i have this weird feeling of hunger in my stomach constantly and i have brain fog, and i feel weak, unmotivated, a little irritable and on the edge in a weird way and stoopid. But like i said in my earlier posts that little one prilla i will take at a random time will be like a wake-up call for me, it's weird.
          Last edited by necrobytez; 23-08-14, 11:54 PM.


          • alopezg1
            • Jul 2013
            • 722

            Originally posted by necrobytez View Post
            Well i thought """the literature on chronic tolerance to nicotine in humans is reasonably consistent in showing clear evidence of tolerance to subjective mood effects but little or no tolerance to cardiovascular, performance or other nicotine effects, within the limitations inherent in most human research on tolerance. "" Was pretty amazing, you are at a heighented state you're just so used to it!

            And piks101 i just feel that i'm not getting nic lately because i have this weird feeling of hunger in my stomach constantly and i have brain fog, and i feel weak, unmotivated, a little irritable and on the edge in a weird way and stoopid. But like i said in my earlier posts that little one prilla i will take at a random time will be like a wake-up call for me, it's weird.
            It's not that weird. The symptoms you are describing are nicotine withdrawal . The reason you perk up when you put a prilla in is the ending of said withdrawal . How is that not obvious ?


            • necrobytez
              • Aug 2014
              • 44

              Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
              It's not that weird. The symptoms you are describing are nicotine withdrawal . The reason you perk up when you put a prilla in is the ending of said withdrawal . How is that not obvious ?
              Well cause i still have prillas in my mouth all day and i still feel like that and then that magical little snus will wake me right up. :s


              • alopezg1
                • Jul 2013
                • 722

                You have volunteered for slavery . Congratulations , you're an idiot. Welcome to the club


                • necrobytez
                  • Aug 2014
                  • 44

                  Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                  You have volunteered for slavery . Congratulations , you're an idiot. Welcome to the club
                  You going thru nicotine withdrawal? Wtf was that for?


                  • alopezg1
                    • Jul 2013
                    • 722

                    you have voluntarily subscribed to one of the hardest addictions to break , for some negligible cognitive effects , or for fun or I don't know why. In my opinion that makes you an idiot . I too, am obviously an idiot because at some point I made the same decision , although for different and far less educated reasons .


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      It probably wasn't helpful to say so and I am sorry if I offended you , but it really is a stupid thing to do


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                        but it really is a stupid thing to do

                        man my list of stupid things is long
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • alopezg1
                          • Jul 2013
                          • 722

                          And yes I am in nicotine withdrawal of sorts , transitioning to vaping from snus. Should probably stay away from the internet at such times, and people , and animals, daylight , all of it really. So sorry. And let this be a lesson to you!


                          • alopezg1
                            • Jul 2013
                            • 722

                            I meant from snus to vaping . A bit of cognitive impairment right there


                            • necrobytez
                              • Aug 2014
                              • 44

                              Haha no problem man! But why is it that i can have prillas in all day and one will be the magical one that wakes me right up? Is it the same for you guys?


                              • alopezg1
                                • Jul 2013
                                • 722

                                watch yourself and see if it occurs at any regular time like after eating or a period of abstinence . It sounds to me like your nicotine level have dropped a little and then have been piqued . If you leave the prillas in you will continue to absorb nicotine for a long time , up to two hours I think although at a diminished rate . Try taking the prilla out for after half an hour to 45 mintues , then waiting as long as you can , then put another one in


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