Not getting nicotine sometimes?

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  • trebli
    • Mar 2010
    • 797

    As far as I can tell, snus has never caused me any harm. The amount of money I have spent has also been a minor consideration compared to other living expenses.


    • alopezg1
      • Jul 2013
      • 722

      sure if you're coming from smoking or other more harmful delivery mechanisms - dipping or whatever- snus is a major improvement. Being an addict though in my opinion, in itself is harmful , even if it doesn't outwardly effect your health , it is damaging to be dependent on a chemical for mental stability and wellbeing . Corrosive to the soul


      • alopezg1
        • Jul 2013
        • 722

        but that's just my opinion, man


        • Burnsey
          • Jan 2013
          • 2572

          Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
          Nicotine doesn't really do anything until you are addicted to it. Then it will relieve withdrawal sysmptoms.....from nicotine . It's pretty absurd really , and once your in
          good luck getting out. Any small improvements it may yield in terms of cognitive function will quickly disappear and from then its just a matter of keeping your levels
          high enough so that you don't go into withdrawal . It's a pointless and absurd addiction ...... I thought that was fairly well known. I'd get out now while you still can
          if you can
          Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
          You have volunteered for slavery . Congratulations , you're an idiot. Welcome to the club
          Truth.....I'm an idiot too......
          Last edited by Burnsey; 24-08-14, 03:07 PM.


          • necrobytez
            • Aug 2014
            • 44

            Originally posted by Burnsey View Post
            Truth.....I'm and idiot too......
            I might be an idiot to say this but i like nicotine, i started late and i noticed the difference from my past life and now, and it's a huge difference. I think i was made to be a slave to the nicotine.


            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
              It's not that weird. The symptoms you are describing are nicotine withdrawal . The reason you perk up when you put a prilla in is the ending of said withdrawal . How is that not obvious ?
              Sounds like iron deficiency to me, been there myself!


              • SnuserSnuffer
                • Jul 2012
                • 211

                Alopezg1. I see ur point. When I decided to cut down to only one portion at a time, I was determined. Because I was running alot and it felt like my heart was beating too hard. At that point I was actually using cope pouches, for smthng different.

                Dropped to one and felt better. Not quite right though. So dropped to half.

                Then started taking breaks from half. The half thing was hard.

                Shit its not too hard to cut down when you feel like its not doing good things for you.

                At that point tho its easy to stop.

                There is a cognitive withdrawal but not too bad if you taper.

                I picked back up snus because I was uncomfortable and was ****in dePressed. Course I couldnt drink as much kratom. I was kinda relying on that to get me thru but it got too toxic.

                I picked up cigarrttes and was in awe. Wow I felt great. Smoked 30 in a day. Love the whole thing. For a couple days smoked and all.. but I woke up couldnt breathe etc etc (was smokin inside a room). My shoulders were uneven..

                Anyways decided enuf very hard to stop.

                Picked up snus then quitish again.. with hardly any kratom. Yeah but soon it was just like W.T.F. mate.

                Drinkin shitty loads of expensive energy drinks. Watchin tv. (What else is there to do?) Neway just depressed. Blah blah.

                Phuck it. Back on snus. As much as I want. But not more than one. I use half sometimes.

                I vape all day. Picked that up few weeks back. I dont know if I would stop. Wake up hit the vape. Catch my rythmns in the tank. Pls dont make me reiterate.


                Tired of snus. B

                Its not tired of me.
                To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                • joserra
                  • May 2014
                  • 191

                  Wow, you guys have serious issues with nicotine addiction.


                  • SnuserSnuffer
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 211

                    Yes. We do.
                    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      Originally posted by joserra View Post
                      Wow, you guys have serious issues with nicotine addiction.
                      I would suggest you do to otherwise you wouldn't be using snus?


                      • joserra
                        • May 2014
                        • 191

                        Originally posted by alopezg1 View Post
                        I would suggest you do to otherwise you wouldn't be using snus?

                        But it's whole different level of addiction. I only use 3 portions a day and I'm ok with that. I've seen you guys suffer from depression, anxiety, cravings that lead to double barrels and chain snusing, etc.

                        That's what I meant with "serious issues", but I agree that being addicted to nicotine (as I am) is an issue by itself.


                        • Burnsey
                          • Jan 2013
                          • 2572

                          Originally posted by joserra View Post
                          But it's whole different level of addiction. I only use 3 portions a day and I'm ok with that. I've seen you guys suffer from depression, anxiety, cravings that lead to double barrels and chain snusing, etc.

                          That's what I meant with "serious issues", but I agree that being addicted to nicotine (as I am) is an issue by itself.
                          I have none of the issues you referred to but love snus ans have to have the nic.....addiction is like a snowball rolling down a hill, it just keeps increasing in size.....


                          • squeezyjohn
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2497

                            Trying to be level headed here - I think there are 2 separate addictions going on here involving the same drug (nicotine) ... and that is why we seem to be talking about it at cross-purposes.

                            There's the addiction to nicotine itself ... made apparent at every sign of a withdrawal ... headaches, loss of concentration, getting annoyed with little things and general tetchiness. Those withdrawal symptoms are alleviated by getting the blood nicotine level back up to what the body is used to - giving a sense of relief and calmness, relaxation is what it feels like ... that is the snus effect - and also what long term smokers crave more than anything.

                            Then there is nicotine rush ... it's a sense of dizziness, wellbeing and sometimes sleepiness that is felt when the nicotine gets into your system very quickly after an absence of it ... it's that first cigarette in the morning feeling (also what you get from a morning boost of extra stark snus or the rush from nasal snuff). It's a massive release of dopamine akin to those felt by people taking opiates (I imagine). It's great - but we all know it cannot last because it requires higher and higher doses to get the same effect because it's the dopaminergic centres of the brain we're dealing with there which are famous for getting very quickly accustomed to such treatment. The only way you will ever get this back is through deliberate self-denial of all nicotine for long enough to allow your system to reset itself. And in my mind it is a dangerous path to go down.

                            Two very separate addictions satisfied in very different ways by the same drug. It's best that you try to identify the differences in the way you feel about them because one is totally sustainable and the other really is a hiding to nothing.

                            Over and out.
                            Last edited by squeezyjohn; 13-09-14, 01:10 AM.

                            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                            • alopezg1
                              • Jul 2013
                              • 722

                              yes well put squeezy. I would say there is also the addiction to certain delivery mechanisms in themselves. Smoking for example is particularly addictive because it relieves the withdrawal almost instantly and so effectively that very strong attachments develop. it is quite a sensual sort of activity , or it is at least in theory . Most smoking is actually disgusting but you block that out when your addicted . If you watch someone smoking a cigarette it looks as thought they sucking on a turd effectively , but if you ask them if they are enjoying the experience they'll say yes , very much so.


                              • SnuserSnuffer
                                • Jul 2012
                                • 211

                                Smoking is more. Its a lot of things.
                                To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


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